Friday, April 16, 2010

Funny/Good Read ''10 Golden Rules Of ...

1: Online gaming is serious business:
So, you finally got your game hooked up and are ready to play. Now, you may be forgiven for thinking that online gaming is about having fun. You are very wrong and you will learn this in due time. Because we gamers are too physically weak to pick random fights in bars, we must assert our alpha male dominance another way -- by twiddling our fingers around on buttons until virtual representations of people we don't know simulate death.

This is your life now, and you are connected, physically and emotionally, to your in-game avatar. When they frag you, do you not bleed? Well, no you don't but that's not the point. You will mourn him for every second of that respawn countdown. His digital death just killed a little piece of you, and you will avenge with the fury of a thousand angry Gods.

In team games, if you are losing, remember to berate your teammates and tell them how much they suck. You won't be making a fool out of yourself for ordering them around and reminding them that your side is losing and nobody's helping you win. Also, you must use words like ''alpha,'' all the time, just like you're a real army man!

2: Noobs are scum:
People who are new to a particular game are terrible vermin who you should not fraternise with. These subhumans are known as noobs and they are the pariahs of online gaming. You, however, were never a noob. You were playing games online before the Internet was even invented. In fact, you're so awesome that you were playing Dizzy the Egg team deatchmatches on your Commodore 64.

Make sure to check out the stats of anybody in a game with you. If they have not been playing for long, then you must hurl insults at them because they are lesser human beings. Laugh cruelly if noobs are your opponents, and grimace loudly if they are on your team.

Also, the term noob has such power that if you dislike someone's actions in a game, you can say it to them as well. Obviously, displeasing you is deadly enough to make them forget all their prior gaming experience and they actually revert back into children.

3: If a feature in a game is popular/effective, it is cheap:
Be it the chainsaw in Gears of War, or snipers in any FPS ever made, there are a number of cool features and tactics in games that people not only find enjoyable to use, but are often highly effective methods of securing victory -- never use them. If you do so, you are cheap and will become a noob. You are a hardcore gamer now, which means you only use shotguns or anything else that's really boring. You hate all that is popular, and if you see anybody utilising the best/more useful features of a game, you are to get rid of them immediately.

If these pukes were good at the game like you, they wouldn't need to rely on such cheap tactics, would they? They'd be like you, running around with the shotgun, not having fun and despising everything everyone else is doing. The fact that they have killed you so many times is proof of how bad they are at playing.

4: If anything kills you at all, it is cheap:
Like the above rule, but applied to every potential threat in a game. If someone shoots you to death using nothing but a pistol and with his eyes closed, he is being cheap. Cheap is one of the most brutal insults after noob, and anybody who hears it will feel worse about the fact they are winning ten to zero. It's a hollow victory, because they are so cheap.

5: If you are losing, it is because of lag:
Following on from the cheapness laws, you will soon get to learn that nothing is ever your fault when it comes to gaming. Lag is a process whereby everyone in the game becomes better than you thanks to the Internet helping them become cheap. The Internet does this a lot, but never affects the enemies you kill yourself, because you have skills.

Nearly every death you ever suffer in a game will be due to lag of some kind. The Internet hates you that much, even though you are so good.

6: If you are losing badly, it is because they are hacking:
Losing a little is one thing, that's just lag conspiring to keep your ownage levels down, but lag can only help the noobs cheaply beat you so much. If you are losing to such a point where not even your lag-pwning skill seems to be making a difference, well there's only one solution, and it's not that they are better than you -- it's that they are hacking.

People who appear to be doing a lot of killing and not much of being killed are hackers, plain and simple. There is no way they're that good without cheating. Re-assure your team (after calling them worthless) that the enemy is clearly powered by nefarious undertakings and you are being penalized for your wholesome and pure ways. Then remember to say alpha.

7: Everyone is gay
Before the Internet was invented, gay people were those in society who were attracted physically and emotionally to members of the same gender. Since the Internet, everyone and everything is gay From the gun they use to kill you, to the voice they use to communicate with you, it is all gay gay gay Lag is gay snipers are gay noobs are gay people from other countries are gay the countries they come from are gay the ocean the country is surrounded by is gay the fish in the ocean are gay all sealife is gay life is gay gays are gay gay gay gay Gay

Using the same one-syllable word to describe everything you don't like might not be an indicator of a varied vocabulary, but who cares? Words are gay

8: Singing is awesome:
Communicating via a headset is great because it lets gamers sing, and that is one of the only reasons we buy headsets. In fact, some people are known to log into servers just to hear poor quality, nasal renditions of the latest ''phat tracks.'' One of the most original and beloved songs to sing is anything done by Rick Astley.

Try to sing as loudly and obnoxiously as you can into your headset before, during and after a game, only stopping when you need to step away from the mic to breathe. Everybody will be impressed and will want to play with you again. In fact, you're so great at singing that the only reason you're not on Broadway right now is that showbusiness is full of lag.
If you lack the raw sexual magnetisim and confidence that is required to sing during a game, you can always hold the microphone up to some speakers and play your favorite tunes for everybody. Your fellow gamers really care what your musical interests are and will applaud your tasteful selection of tracks.

9: Calling people naggers is both original and hilarious:
Racism online is bad, which is a shame because deep down everybody knows it's actually awesome. There is, however, a really witty workaround that allows you to say racist words while not actually saying them. Remember that episode of South Park where Randy believed that the missing letter in ''n - ggers'' was an I? Then he said the full word and everyone was shocked because it was actually naggers and not that word? Well, here's a pro tip -- nobody has EVER thought of calling people naggers online. You are going to be so edgy if you capitalize on this opportunity.

Do it all the time and your popularity will skyrocket.

10: Team members who score are kill stealers:
Kill stealing is one of the most abhorrent and despicable crimes ever committed, and is even listed in some modern Bibles as the eighth deadly sin. Every opponent is a victim waiting to die by your hand alone, and if anybody dares shoot them before you, they are a kill stealer. Only you may have the glory of the kill, and woe betide anybody caught shooting at the same target as you. If they get the win, they clearly stole your kill.
Even if you and a team member are on opposite sides of the game map, they kill stole. Obviously they did. Probably thanks to a hack.

Just remember, of course, that you are not a kill stealer. You are merely an opportunist. Besides which, since all the enemies are your personal fodder anyway, you're taking nothing away from the meat puppets who are only there to be noobs and bring down your score by sucking.

These are the ten golden rules of online gaming. There are of course plenty of other important laws, but this should be everything you need to get started off on the right footing. First impressions are crucial, and with these ten rules in mind, you will always impress.

Good luck pwning, my fellow online warriors. May noobs fall at your feet and your sword cut through the mists of lag forevermore. Funny/Good Read ''10 Golden Rules Of ...
Two words: True, Awesome#9 is...differentFunny/Good Read ''10 Golden Rules Of ...
I only read the titles for each one but 4,5,%267 cracked me up
[QUOTE=''Moo-Moo-Milk'']I only read the titles for each one but 4,5,%267 cracked me up[/QUOTE] #7 is funny as s***
LOL + props
3+5 get the LULZ from me!
Wow I actually read the whole thing and it was not bad at all thanks for the tips I will be killing noobs in no time.
:lol: Funny thing is, all of that is true.
This is so true, it's almost not funny...almost. I laughed pretty hard at it!
Lol. You know I've had all that happen to me except for the singing bit. Well there once was this russian guy but I'm not sure if it was singing.
This is the best ''good read'' i've ever seen in SW.
rule #7 is sooooooo true :lol:great read.
lol this is hilarious :P
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
rofl....those are some awesome rules which i can relate to, except the racist part.....but i do act that way gay and n00b
great thread man.
you are a genius sir I solute you.
This thread is made of epic and win.
Great stuff, but I must ask, where is it from? :wink:
In the words of my brother-in-law, ''How many 13-year-olds would pay $50 a year to annoy people on the Internet? Oh, wait, all of them.''I hereby declare #8 the ''Sucka MC'' rule.

Next company to enter the games consoles ...

So, I think that it is inevitable, another company will enter games console manufacturing, Like Microsoft did with the Xbox, Being the most recent. Apple, maybe? Or maybe even Sega could come up with a new console? Apple seems pretty likely to me. Who knows, What do you think?Next company to enter the games consoles ...
Apple had a console, it flopped, badly.Next company to enter the games consoles ...
Apple Console? What was that?
apple i hope. i think they are capable of doing something new, like nintendo. if they get any 3rd party support that is.
Unless they are a giant company with tons of money(ie not Sega :P) I doubt anyone would try.
No one I hope. That's the last thing we need.
[QUOTE=''EddieTheGreat'']Apple Console? What was that?[/QUOTE]
Apple may make a deal with one of the three companies
With the cost of video games these days, another company entering the market isn't very likely. And even if some company comes up with the cash, it may run into some trouble with available games, considering the development time on some of the launch games for the 360 and PS3 (assuming that another console isn't going to be a rip of the Wii.) For those of you saying Sega, I'd rather they joined forces with Nintendo; I think they'd mesh well together.
Apple will probly make like some super tiny 4000$ hand held with 3 games.
i hope Wal-Mart makes there one will rule
Either Apple or EA. However, if anyone was going to come out of nowhere and surprise us, I'd say either Wizards of the Coast, or Panasonic.
[QUOTE=''EddieTheGreat'']Apple Console? What was that?[/QUOTE]the apple pippen worse selling consile of all time
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
It's called Electronic Arts......for newer gamers just EA :)
[QUOTE=''killabondy'']the jews...[/QUOTE]Already in.....they are called Microsoft!
Sega Dreamcast 2plz?
No one. There isn't a market for a 4th console and there isn't anyone in a position to make a marketable console. Hell the Playstation brand wouldn't even exist without Nintendo's help.
  • wrinkle eye cream
  • Patapon AAA!

    Woot it got AAA here at Gamespot! Great news to PSP owners!Now for the GoW review!Patapon AAA!
    yay!!!!!Patapon AAA!
    Hurrah.I guess the PSP naysayers are going to resign soon. Things are looking up, maybe I can actually bear to play a game or two.
    Pre-ordered it today! This game is looking on the up and up. :)
    I don't hate PSP. I think it has a beautiful screen I just don't like the controls or long loading times and I'm rarely in a position where I would play a handheld over a console.This game looked pretty cool but I have no idea how it plays.
    [QUOTE=''JiveT'']I don't hate PSP. I think it has a beautiful screen I just don't like the controls or long loading times and I'm rarely in a position where I would play a handheld over a console.This game looked pretty cool but I have no idea how it plays.[/QUOTE]The slim PSP is designed to reduce loading times....this game has absolutely no need for different controls than what's on the PSP already.
    Wow the psp might have 3 AAA's this quarter. God of war is getting AAA reviews, and Crisis core probably will get a AAA. Good for psp.
    It definitely deserves it. Can't wait to see what the creators of Locoroco will make next.
    [QUOTE=''JiveT'']I don't hate PSP. I think it has a beautiful screen I just don't like the controls or long loading times and I'm rarely in a position where I would play a handheld over a console.This game looked pretty cool but I have no idea how it plays.[/QUOTE]Most psp games dont have much for loading times, this is just another myth.
    Awesome, still waiting for the Apollo Justice review though...:xHow 'bout it Gamespot?

    System Wars greatest SHORTAGE is...

    ...Facts. Waaay too many made up ''facts.'' Rumors abound with nothing but speculation being passed off as factual info. Beyond that there is a short supply of objectivity. Too much bias. Fanboys will never quit.System Wars greatest SHORTAGE is...
    in short, you want this to be a ''fanboys are bad but we all know this'' topic.System Wars greatest SHORTAGE is...
    [QUOTE=''mushroomscout89'']....INTELLIGENT PEOPLE. :D[/QUOTE]Aw, beat me to it.....

    Only 10% of PS3's power harnessed for Re ... cant believe this is true!Only 10% of PS3's power harnessed for Re ...
    i should think so too considering resistance isnt exactly a ''technical masterpiece''Only 10% of PS3's power harnessed for Re ...
    We all knew this when the game came out!
    and gears only uses .0000001% of the 360's powah! see, i can make up numbers too
    [QUOTE=''shoeman12''] and gears only uses .0000001% of the 360's powah! see, i can make up numbers too[/QUOTE] That was not my word
    Thats because the other 90% is devoted to Blueray movies.
    If developers don't know how to max out a system then how can they tell what percentage their game is running at?
    [QUOTE=''Violet-Eye''] cant believe this is true![/QUOTE]Just hyperbol. Maybe thats true for the cell but not for the GPU (yeah the article says 10%-20% of the SPU's) so not much room for improvement there as far as textures and pollys go. Could help with physics tough.
    does the PS3 have a powermometer? because im a bit tired of seeing the % of power each game uses
    Guy's, I've heard SMG only uses 0.00000000000001925% of the Wii's power. Teh power of teh Broadway!!!!!!!!!
    [QUOTE=''spinecaton'']If developers don't know how to max out a system then how can they tell what percentage their game is running at?[/QUOTE]They are talking about the SPU's and are probably going by how many are in use at one time.By that logic my PC is only using 25% of its power when a single threaded game uses just one core.
    [QUOTE=''Violet-Eye''][QUOTE=''shoeman12''] and gears only uses .0000001% of the 360's powah! see, i can make up numbers too[/QUOTE] That was not my word[/QUOTE]i know, but it's impossible to determine these numbers without guessing. and, i've never even heard of that website.
    [QUOTE=''stika'']does the PS3 have a powermometer? because im a bit tired of seeing the % of power each game uses[/QUOTE]The devs are just going by how much the SPU's are being used. Same type of thing you see when you look at performance in task manager in windows.
    Ten percent?! Lazy devs!
    [QUOTE=''TOAO_Cyrus1''][QUOTE=''spinecaton'']If developers don't know how to max out a system then how can they tell what percentage their game is running at?[/QUOTE]They are talking about the SPU's and are probably going by how many are in use at one time.By that logic my PC is only using 25% of its power when a single threaded game uses just one core.[/QUOTE]I didn't bother reading the link but just going off of what the TC said, my bad :oops:
    [QUOTE=''TOAO_Cyrus1''][QUOTE=''stika'']does the PS3 have a powermometer? because im a bit tired of seeing the % of power each game uses[/QUOTE]The devs are just going by how much the SPU's are being used. Same type of thing you see when you look at performance in task manager in windows.[/QUOTE]yes but thats CPU perfomance, people think that because a game only uses the certain part of the CPU the games will look better, well guess what they wont, and lets not forget that most consoles never reach 100 % of their power
    [QUOTE=''stika''][QUOTE=''TOAO_Cyrus1''][QUOTE=''stika'']does the PS3 have a powermometer? because im a bit tired of seeing the % of power each game uses[/QUOTE]The devs are just going by how much the SPU's are being used. Same type of thing you see when you look at performance in task manager in windows.[/QUOTE]yes but thats CPU perfomance, people think that because a game only uses the certain part of the CPU the games will look better, well guess what they wont, and lets not forget that most consoles never reach 100 % of their power[/QUOTE]Yes I know that see my other posts.
    That's because it's not using 4D graphics, duh.
    Resistance is one ugly game, looks like a PS2 game IMO.

    Today we mourn the death of HDDVD

    Bow your heads. Say a prayer. Good job picking Beta over VHS Microsoft Today we mourn the death of HDDVD
    Standard DVD's will still sell more than Blu Ray. BR is close to dead.Today we mourn the death of HDDVD
    red ray is the future though
    Already posted quite a few times since the official announcement and this will get closed because lemmings will complain its the wrong forum.
    God too many format war threads.
    [QUOTE=''earthmonkeyyy'']Standard DVD's will still sell more than Blu Ray. BR is close to dead.[/QUOTE]Lol.. just no.[QUOTE=''Rigga911'']red ray is the future though[/QUOTE]Red rays are what dvd and cd's use. So um.. how about the past, not the future.

    Am u the only one that realizes that the ...

    honestly its just ugly. at least epic takes away the color making it look a bit better.Am u the only one that realizes that the ...
    I developed a healthy hate for the Unreal Engine 2 last gen and it has carried over to 3 this gen. At least devs could work with UE2, UE3 just seems liek a bag of problemsAm u the only one that realizes that the ...
    im not a fan of it either
    I feel the same way.
    I'm not really a fan but Bioshock made it look good IMO.
    well.. it has been used in a numer of good games, so i cant really hate it
    Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll:

    Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.
    Yeah there are definitely some major issues with it. When a developer like Silicon Knights, on the verge of finally finishing their 10-year-100-million-dollar-project Too Human, decides to rebuild the game using a new in-house engine because of problems with UE3, you know there is something seriously wrong with the engine. Also according to Bioware (on a post in their official forums) the texture pop-in in Mass Effect is a result of UE3, if they removed the texture pop-in the framerate dropped to slideshow levels.
    considering some of the best looking games to date use it i would have to disagree bioshock, gears and mass effect all used it
    [QUOTE=''chip1289'']considering some of the best looking games to date use it i would have to disagree bioshock, gears and mass effect all used it[/QUOTE]
    They look good but they have their share of technical problems because of UE3.
    [QUOTE=''jack_russel'']Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll: Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.[/QUOTE] NO IT DOES NOT LOOK FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can not like an engine if i feel like it i've seen it a million times and each time it makes me cringe i wish they would stop useing it. how does that make me jaded? oh looked it up i guess i am then.
    [QUOTE=''jack_russel'']Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll: Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.[/QUOTE]Played Mass Effect? Dunno if that was UE3s fault but the game ran horribly. It's the only UE3 game I've played, so I not a fan so far.
    [QUOTE=''LastRedMage''][QUOTE=''jack_russel'']Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll: Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.[/QUOTE] NO IT DOES NOT LOOK FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can not like an engine if i feel like it i've seen it a million times and each time it makes me cringe i wish they would stop useing it. how does that make me jaded? oh looked it up i guess i am then. [/QUOTE]

    Because you're nitpicking. Remember back 10 years ago when games actually looked bad? Now days the biggest problems are a few pop-up issues or some minor texture discrepancies. It ridiculous.
    I just dont like UE3 because everything is literally drab. Bioshock is only game that really used it well IMO.
    [QUOTE=''jack_russel''][QUOTE=''LastRedMage''] [QUOTE=''jack_russel'']Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll: Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.[/QUOTE] NO IT DOES NOT LOOK FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can not like an engine if i feel like it i've seen it a million times and each time it makes me cringe i wish they would stop useing it. how does that make me jaded? oh looked it up i guess i am then. [/QUOTE] Because you're nitpicking. Remember back 10 years ago when games actually looked bad? Now days the biggest problems are a few pop-up issues or some minor texture discrepancies. It ridiculous.[/QUOTE] nah i think some last gen games are more visualy appeling than UE3. for example shadow of the colossus (just finshed playing it)
    [QUOTE=''Sully28'']I just dont like UE3 because everything is literally drab. Bioshock is only game that really used it well IMO. [/QUOTE]But Irrational Games (2K Boston) said they heavily Modified UE3 Engine it was just based off of the UE3 engine.
    [QUOTE=''jack_russel''][QUOTE=''LastRedMage''] [QUOTE=''jack_russel'']Uh oh, more jaded game critics :roll: Unreal engine looks fine. Get off your high horse.[/QUOTE] NO IT DOES NOT LOOK FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!i can not like an engine if i feel like it i've seen it a million times and each time it makes me cringe i wish they would stop useing it. how does that make me jaded? oh looked it up i guess i am then. [/QUOTE] Because you're nitpicking. Remember back 10 years ago when games actually looked bad? Now days the biggest problems are a few pop-up issues or some minor texture discrepancies. It ridiculous.[/QUOTE] Totally agree. Some people are really fussy. I enjoyed Gears and ME regardless of pop in/framerate issues
    I'm not a huge fan, but I tend to like a lot of games that use it.
    It's not terrible, but definitely not as great as some people may think.
    The CryEngine 2 will hopefully take off with many developers, it's a better engine.
  • wrinkle eye cream
  • 2007 E3 Killzone 2 wasn't even Pre Alph ...

    LordArklon wrote:
    Hi Eon,

    Thanks again for answering our questions.

    Here's another one that hearkens back to E3 '07, but only because that's the extent of the footage we have to go by.

    Being pre-alpha footage, and since everyone has their own interpretation of the term, from what standpoint was it exactly?

    Pre-alpha from a game completion standpoint, or asset fidelity/quality standpoint?

    Thanks for your time once again.
    Obviously we spent a lot of effort on bringing it up to as close to completion as possible - but that's just not possible at Pre-Alpha! The animation system, the specific models, the textures, the rendering engine, the effects... None of them were in a final state. Not only were the assets themselves not finalised, but the underlying technology was incomplete and buggy.

    I do feel that E3 2007 was a good example of what we're aiming for - but don't get down in the weeds and look at all the little details, because it was not just Pre-Alpha it was at an earlier state than that, even.

    Message Edited by E0N on 02-19-2008 08:06 AM Their you have it. Not even up to snuff of what will actually come. 2007 E3 Killzone 2 wasn't even Pre Alph ...
    I never thought that Killzone looked very good. Resistance 2 looks better.2007 E3 Killzone 2 wasn't even Pre Alph ...
    lol I said it was at pre-pre-alpha as a joke now the Guerilla guy is saying that was correct
    So I am guessing it will run at 120 FPS and have 4-D graphics too!?!?!
    There's no such thing as pre pre alpha. What a joke.
    do you even have a link? and there;s no such thing as pre pre alpha anyway.
    i thought it looked good so stop defending it, your making it look lame
    I hope to see better A.I.
    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    Doesn't look any better than COD4 or Gears. The only thing it has going for it is animation/physics. I like how if you shoot a wall, light beams will shine through from the other side. Even though, COD2 had this same thing when you had to make your way through the giant pipes.
    So that CGI movie was pre-alpha, cool.
    We got a few ''gameplay'' videos. Lets hype it:|, just wait the game can go either way right now.
    no it wasnt pre alpha, it was CGI
    [QUOTE=''Pro_wrestler'']Doesn't look any better than COD4 or Gears. The only thing it has going for it is animation/physics. I like how if you shoot a wall, light beams will shine through from the other side. Even though, COD2 had this same thing when you had to make your way through the giant pipes.[/QUOTE]It's >>>>> CoD4 and you don't even understand the lighting engine behind Killzone 2 in the slightest.Call of Duty 2....if you think that looked even remotely comparable to this game, especially the lighting've lost 100% of your credibility.The physics aren't the thing this game is heralded for, the lighting and the animations are.And like this guy said, practically everything you're critiqueing isn't even in the game yet. This game didn't even have streaming textures in it at E3 07.
    [QUOTE=''THE_Rob_Himself'']no it wasnt pre alpha, it was CGI[/QUOTE]So, let me get this straight: It was CGI, but it didn't look that impressive? Interesting.A) you clearly haven't seen the real-time demo in which the developer detached the camera and panned around the environment mid-cinematicB) you clearly don't catch the ironyC) 80% of the posters in this thread thus far are stone cold lemmingsAnnnnd you're wrong:
    [QUOTE=''BobHipJames''][QUOTE=''THE_Rob_Himself'']no it wasnt pre alpha, it was CGI[/QUOTE]So, let me get this straight: It was CGI, but it didn't look that impressive? Interesting.A) you clearly haven't seen the real-time demo in which the developer detached the camera and panned around the environment mid-cinematicB) you clearly don't catch the ironyC) 80% of the posters in this thread thus far are stone cold lemmingsAnnnnd you're wrong:[/QUOTE]

    A) you thought I was serious.

    B) killzone sucks.
    Wow this game will be amazing if that wasnt even pre-alpha
    [QUOTE=''BobHipJames''] [QUOTE=''Pro_wrestler'']Doesn't look any better than COD4 or Gears. The only thing it has going for it is animation/physics. I like how if you shoot a wall, light beams will shine through from the other side. Even though, COD2 had this same thing when you had to make your way through the giant pipes.[/QUOTE]It's >>>>> CoD4 and you don't even understand the lighting engine behind Killzone 2 in the slightest.Call of Duty 2....if you think that looked even remotely comparable to this game, especially the lighting've lost 100% of your credibility.The physics aren't the thing this game is heralded for, the lighting and the animations are.And like this guy said, practically everything you're critiqueing isn't even in the game yet. This game didn't even have streaming textures in it at E3 07.[/QUOTE]Gameplay wise the game doesn't look to great the AI needs lots of work and the fire fights seem very ez U shouldn't be able to walk around in a fire fight in a cover based game. There is lots of work to be done. Plz don't hype the graphics
    If it wasnt even pre-alpha... we havent even seen any gameplay footage yet then. 2005 e3 was pre-pre alpha. one said anything about pre pre alpha. He's just saying it wasn't even Pre Alpha thats all.

    nasa lied to us

    nasa lied to us about the footig in 1992 if you dont belive me such nasa proof ufo look for a youtoob vido and wach it orinly there was 2 lights and then they eited it out i dont care this is not about vido gamesnasa lied to us
    are you an alien?nasa lied to us
    [QUOTE=''mywii1999'']nasa lied to us about the footig in 1992 if you dont belive me such nasa proof ufo look for a youtoob vido and wach it orinly there was 2 lights and then they eited it out i dont care this is not about vido games[/QUOTE]General discussion what?

    Patapon -AAA

    [url][/url]Remember everybody, PSP games suck and are never original!Patapon -AAA
    bumpPatapon -AAA
    wow this shows how ignorant all the sheep on this forum are...
    Nice, I was very interested in this game and I am glad that I can finally use my PSP again after nearly half a year of it being a shiny paperweight (imo, last decent game on the PSP was the Disagaea port). However, I don't understand why you are attacking the sheep over this. It's as if though your being a fanboy yourself and purposely trying to get a negative reaction out of them. Instead of trying to cause a conflict, I'd personally be happy over such a positive score.
    There'a already a thread about this on the front page. :
    |Too little too late for the PSP.
    [QUOTE=''ReverseCycology''] Too little too late for the PSP. [/QUOTE]even though the psp is doing very well....not ds well but that doesnt mean its doing horrible at all
    We know already.
    [QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']Too little too late for the PSP.[/QUOTE]Sales for the PSP have been up as of late, including being right behind the DS in January sales. Get your facts straight.
    Already playing this, all I know so far is pata pata pata pon, and pon pon pata pon :P
    [QUOTE=''AdamPA1006''][QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']Too little too late for the PSP.[/QUOTE]Sales for the PSP have been up as of late, including being right behind the DS in January sales. Get your facts straight.[/QUOTE]It's doing well now, but let's see if the PSP can sell consistently for over 2 years like the DS. And by the way did you create this thread to fight with people?
    [QUOTE=''Chargeagles1''][QUOTE=''AdamPA1006''][QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']Too little too late for the PSP.[/QUOTE]Sales for the PSP have been up as of late, including being right behind the DS in January sales. Get your facts straight.[/QUOTE]It's doing well now, but let's see if the PSP can sell consistently for over 2 years like the DS. And by the way did you create this thread to fight with people? [/QUOTE]What do you mean by sell consistently? The PSP has been out for around the same amount of time as the DS..... And I didnt see a thread about Patapon getting a 9 so I made one...

    Why wont some ppl understand, movies don ...

    im tired of people rampaging about HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Movies are only a small portion of a console. Games on the other hand are a giant portion. and umm maybe if some of you did your research you would know TOSHIBA owns HD not Microsoft. so this could barely if not do nothing to the 360. geeze cows so just stop it all ready.Why wont some ppl understand, movies don ...
    True, games are the most important feature. But adding movie player functionality is a nice additional feature. Its basically the reason my wife didnt kill me when I bought a PS3... ''Look honey, Hi-def movies''.Why wont some ppl understand, movies don ...

    HD-DVD vs Blu-ray directly affects gaming..
    A) What are games released on? A disc format not digital distribution, in present times we use discs as the medium to play our games.
    B) 1 Blu-ray can hold multiple amounts of data compared to a DVD increasing the quality and space available for developers
    C) MS really lost big time, especially with there plans to eventually produce games on HD-DVD... they picked the wrong side 'nuff said.
    when your console doesn't have any AAAe or GOTY, all you have is blu ray.
    Are you kidding? We are at the crossroads of a huge format upgrade and now only one system has the upgrade (bluray), thats a huge deal.Its like a Car that doesnt come with any type of music playing device or speakers...Obviously thats not why people buy a car, they buy it for transportation. But if you honestly think that wouldnt affect the sales between the ones that offer the best technology available for a competitive price and those that have nothing.... youre crazyAnd that analogy isnt nearly as big a deal as consoles as a movie player (now HD movie player)
    All this disc crap is perhaps the stupidest thing in video game history.WHO THE HELL CARES?!
    I like money. If i can get more value out of one system than another than I will pick the system that has more value to me. I can play great games in HD and watch great movies in HD = win for me the consumer.
    [QUOTE=''sexy_chimp'']All this disc crap is perhaps the stupidest thing in video game history.WHO THE HELL CARES?! [/QUOTE]Except when sony starts making an insane amount of money on Blu-ray royalties and can afford to drop the PS3 to $299.
    because the movie industry is huge:| And once the PS3 gets the bigger install base (this year is likely) then devs will start developing on PS3 and porting to 360, unlike what is happening right now:)
    [QUOTE=''Darthmatt''][QUOTE=''sexy_chimp'']All this disc crap is perhaps the stupidest thing in video game history.WHO THE HELL CARES?! [/QUOTE]Except when sony starts making an insane amount of money on Blu-ray royalties and can afford to drop the PS3 to $299.[/QUOTE]And what would that do, increase sales?Remember though, ''sales don't matter''
    Do you know how many people bought a Playstation 2 as their first DVD player and switched to DVD from that? A good majority, if not all, the people I know switched that way. Yes, they were gamers... but there parents used it as a DVD player.

    HD-DVD vs Blu-ray directly affects gaming..
    A) What are games released on? A disc format not digital distribution, in present times we use discs as the medium to play our games.
    B) 1 Blu-ray can hold multiple amounts of data compared to a DVD increasing the quality and space available for developers
    C) MS really lost big time, especially with there plans to eventually produce games on HD-DVD... they picked the wrong side 'nuff said.[/QUOTE] True that.

    @ Topic Creator: [URL=]YOU FAIL[/URL]

    [QUOTE=''sexy_chimp''][QUOTE=''Darthmatt''][QUOTE=''sexy_chimp'']All this disc crap is perhaps the stupidest thing in video game history.WHO THE HELL CARES?! [/QUOTE]Except when sony starts making an insane amount of money on Blu-ray royalties and can afford to drop the PS3 to $299.[/QUOTE]And what would that do, increase sales?Remember though, ''sales don't matter''[/QUOTE]Yeah ''sales dont matter'' ;) especially to 3rd party developers who want to sell a lot of games. ;)
    You do realize that the PS3 is a cheaper Blu-Ray player? This is a big plus in sales for the PS3, since people who aren't big gamers will still purchase it for the Blu-Ray. And I can only guess that if there is a large and growing install base of PS3s, then you will start to see some more games.
    [QUOTE=''Darthmatt''][QUOTE=''sexy_chimp''][QUOTE=''Darthmatt''][QUOTE=''sexy_chimp'']All this disc crap is perhaps the stupidest thing in video game history.WHO THE HELL CARES?! [/QUOTE]Except when sony starts making an insane amount of money on Blu-ray royalties and can afford to drop the PS3 to $299.[/QUOTE]And what would that do, increase sales?Remember though, ''sales don't matter''[/QUOTE]Yeah ''sales dont matter'' ;) especially to 3rd party developers who want to sell a lot of games. ;)[/QUOTE]Well in that case the Wii kills the PS3 and will always kill the PS3 therefore cows have no argument.
    [QUOTE=''RedMasterDX'']You do realize that the PS3 is a cheaper Blu-Ray player? This is a big plus in sales for the PS3, since people who aren't big gamers will still purchase it for the Blu-Ray. And I can only guess that if there is a large and growing install base of PS3s, then you will start to see some more games.[/QUOTE]ive seen $299 blu ray players at bestbuy so technically its not true.

    HD-DVD vs Blu-ray directly affects gaming..
    A) What are games released on? A disc format not digital distribution, in present times we use discs as the medium to play our games.
    B) 1 Blu-ray can hold multiple amounts of data compared to a DVD increasing the quality and space available for developers
    C) MS really lost big time, especially with there plans to eventually produce games on HD-DVD... they picked the wrong side 'nuff said.[/QUOTE]or you can just have more DVD9s...argument fails.
    I guess if it was the other way around, you would say something else, so stop hating.
    you dont need hd dvd or blu ray to play games
    [QUOTE=''credibilityzero''] I guess if it was the other way around, you would say something else, so stop hating.[/QUOTE]no i would not. i have never flaimed a console because of blu ray or HD-DVD. i own both consoles and find them both extremley usefull. but i think the blu-ray on the ps3 is a nice add on..

    PS3's recent success

    I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.PS3's recent success
    good post and i tend to agree. until ps3 software moves similar numbers to wii and 360 it's more of the bluray effect than ps3 as a game console. much like what we see with psp being mostly used as a media player. it's got good numbers but doesn't represent the ratio it should for software compared to the DS. (DS is more than it's hardware marketshare compared to psp) PS3's recent success
    [QUOTE=''tempest91'']I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.[/QUOTE]While BR is a factor, as it makes the PS3 a more ''valuable'' console than the 360, I strongly disagree that is the ONLY or even the BIGGEST factor. Sony announced their quarterly numbers and showed that over 50 million units of PS3 hardware have been sold. This worked out to a 5.2 attach rate which is almost identicaly to what the 360 had during the exact same time period.So why are people so willing to say PS3 is helped by BR, when clearly just as many games are selling as the competition sold during the same time? If 5.2 attach rate is meaningless, then were people buying the 360 for no reason at all?
    ps3 has sold 50 million software units, thats a 5 to 1 attachment rate, thats gotta be better than wii.
    Pretty obvious.
    TC you do have a point when it relates to US game sales. Here the 360 pushes more software than the psE but elsewhere it is rever sed. In the UK software sales are about even while in Japan a game is pretty much only considered to be released on the PS3 saleswise. The PS3s smallest userbase in comparison to the competition is here in the states. However software sales in recent months have been increasing steadily. This is definitly correlated to more people having PS3s. As the user base continues to grow in America so will its US software sales.n Elsewhere in the world the PS3 is already pushing more than healthy amounts of software.
    I disagree. I bought a PS3 recently and while the ability to watch Blu-ray movies influenced my purchase, I ultimately bought a PS3 because of the gaming lineup coming our way in the next few years. Just because the PS3 got off to a slower start than most systems, doesn't mean it is not a legitimate gaming console. Sony consoles have always had some of the best game libraries of any console and I still have faith.
    I agree 360, Wii game sales > PS3 blu ray sales > PS3 game sales
    I bought my PS3 to play games, thank you. 18 and counting since March 2007.
    Sonys big sales hike was boosted by the announcement of the $399 model. Way before the Blu ray victory.I mean I enjoy these attempts to discredit the PS3 as a gaming machine, but please try to put a little effort into it.
    [QUOTE=''Shensolidus'']TC you do have a point when it relates to US game sales. Here the 360 pushes more software than the psE but elsewhere it is rever sed. In the UK software sales are about even while in Japan a game is pretty much only considered to be released on the PS3 saleswise. The PS3s smallest userbase in comparison to the competition is here in the states. However software sales in recent months have been increasing steadily. This is definitly correlated to more people having PS3s. As the user base continues to grow in America so will its US software sales.n Elsewhere in the world the PS3 is already pushing more than healthy amounts of software. [/QUOTE]Well, in NA, the 360 has a much larger userbase than the PS3, so one would expect more game sales. However, if you look at game sales of multi-plats on both systems, while the PS3 has half the userbase in NA, the gap in sales is closing. In the past, a 360 game would outsell the PS3 version by 3 or 4 times. With AC we saw the sales more reasonable at 2 to 1. Now, last I heard, games like Burnout aren't even at the 2-1 level. So clearly PS3 owners are buying games.
    [QUOTE=''tempest91'']I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.[/QUOTE]Yea, yea, yea. last month the PS3 outsold the 360 by 17% (Check out X-Play's Feb 18th show), the Blu-Ray news was over the weekend, not last month. Stop living in the past, this is a new year, the PS3 already out sold the 360 last month, what make you think the games ARE NOT gonna sell, they brough a PS3 regardless of a Blu-ray player or a game concole, the point is, they got a PS3.
    [QUOTE=''CubanBlunt''][QUOTE=''tempest91'']I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.[/QUOTE]Yea, yea, yea. last month the PS3 outsold the 360 by 17% (Check out X-Play's Feb 18th show), the Blu-Ray news was over the weekend, not last month. Stop living in the past, this is a new year, the PS3 already out sold the 360 last month, what make you think the games ARE NOT gonna sell, they brough a PS3 regardless of a Blu-ray player or a game concole, the point is, they got a PS3.[/QUOTE]My point exactly, they bought a PS3 for blu-ray not for games. So, as a gaming console, there is no victory until their game sales show promise. The only one so far is motorstorm because it was bundled.
    [QUOTE=''tempest91''][QUOTE=''CubanBlunt''] [QUOTE=''tempest91'']I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.[/QUOTE]Yea, yea, yea. last month the PS3 outsold the 360 by 17% (Check out X-Play's Feb 18th show), the Blu-Ray news was over the weekend, not last month. Stop living in the past, this is a new year, the PS3 already out sold the 360 last month, what make you think the games ARE NOT gonna sell, they brough a PS3 regardless of a Blu-ray player or a game concole, the point is, they got a PS3.[/QUOTE]My point exactly, they bought a PS3 for blu-ray not for games. So, as a gaming console, there is no victory until their game sales show promise. The only one so far is motorstorm because it was bundled. [/QUOTE]Yeah, I've had a PS3 since August or September, and the only game I purchased for it was Stranglehold (I wanted the Hard Boiled blu-ray). The PS3 is an awesome blu-ray player, but since I have a 360, I buy most of my games for that console.
    Regardless if you brought a PS3 to play games or movies, Sony only cares about the systems walking out of the door. The PS3 sales ended on a strong note last year and its carrying over into this year, so what is all the hate for? Or is it fear that The PS3 will out do The 360 this year? The 360 fan always want to bring up the past sales, well let's talk about the right now sales. As of January 2008, PS3 = 269,000 UNITS SOLD360 = 230,000 UNITS SOLD
    [QUOTE=''tempest91'']I do acknowledge the recent success of the PS3, but before cows jump all over this with ''teh sales, omg teh sales'' we need to realize that the success is caused almost entirely by the recent victory of Blu-ray and not of it's role as a gaming console. As PS3 sales have risen, their game sales have not, and the 360 and Wii still dominate this area. This, in effect, does nothing for the value of the PS3 as a console. Developers consider user base as it relates to previous game sales. So this recent success should not be taken as a victory over the 360 in terms of gaming, just as it is: Blu-ray>HD-DVD. That is all.[/QUOTE]You need to realize that Cows boast the PS3 for all it can do for the money along with its reliability. This means HD movie play, gaming, online browser, Home, free online etc. All of it! They've been saying that it's a better console to own and Lems have been bragging about all the good 360 games and how the multi-plats look better on 360. Well BFD! PS3 is the best console for the money period. Say what you want, but it's true.
    PS2>>>>> The rest
    [QUOTE=''lusitanogamer'']I bought my PS3 to play games, thank you. 18 and counting since March 2007.[/QUOTE]
    Yeah, I have 10 games and 2 BR movies, one of them was free.
    As long as syestems are being sold, thats what Devs look at.
    [QUOTE=''Vectah_Sigma''] Regardless if you brought a PS3 to play games or movies, Sony only cares about the systems walking out of the door. The PS3 sales ended on a strong note last year and its carrying over into this year, so what is all the hate for? Or is it fear that The PS3 will out do The 360 this year? The 360 fan always want to bring up the past sales, well let's talk about the right now sales. As of January 2008, PS3 = 269,000 UNITS SOLD360 = 230,000 UNITS SOLD[/QUOTE]Part of the problem is that major retailers have been hit with shortages of the 360 since around Christmas, whereas Sony's been able to crank out the 40gig PS3 and get it to those same retailers on a weekly basis. I suspect that the sales data for March will again see the 360 out on top (as far as I can tell Feb. will still show the same shortages). If these trends continue, it's a victory for Sony, but it's kind of like getting excited if the PSP were to outsell the DS right now; the DS has been impossible to find since before Christmas, and while the PSPs aren't easy to get a hold of, they're in much more plentiful demand.

    New Blue Mars Screenshots

    Built on CryEngine 2.It will be an MMVW(Massively Multiplayer Virtual World) similar to what Second Life is and what Home is intending to be.New Blue Mars Screenshots
    So it's trying to be a buggy failure like it's two predecessors?New Blue Mars Screenshots
    its decent
    That looks pretty darn impressive.
    [QUOTE=''JiveT'']So it's trying to be a buggy failure like it's two predecessors?[/QUOTE]what? JiveT do EVERYONE a favor and don't come in threads that you don't intend to actually contribute to.
    the last ss looks meh
    [QUOTE=''wildwild'']the last ss looks meh[/QUOTE]yeah it is definitely the worst I have seen. There were a bunch that came from some Korean website a while ago that looked GREAT. They had a picture of a golf course that was really good. They also had the interior of some house. Looked great.
    [QUOTE=''horrowhip''] [QUOTE=''JiveT'']So it's trying to be a buggy failure like it's two predecessors?[/QUOTE]what? JiveT do EVERYONE a favor and don't come in threads that you don't intend to actually contribute to.[/QUOTE] I am contributing. What do you want me do praise you for bringing this to our attention? Second Life is an overhyped nothing and Home is stuck in development hell. If you want to sell it you might want to describe it better.
    2011 release probably.
    [QUOTE=''JiveT''][QUOTE=''horrowhip''] [QUOTE=''JiveT'']So it's trying to be a buggy failure like it's two predecessors?[/QUOTE]what? JiveT do EVERYONE a favor and don't come in threads that you don't intend to actually contribute to.[/QUOTE] I am contributing. What do you want me do praise you for bringing this to our attention? Second Life is an overhyped nothing and Home is stuck in development hell. If you want to sell it you might want to describe it better.[/QUOTE]I am not trying to ''Sell'' anything, just give people a general idea of the point of the game.... Jeez. It is a alternate life game... That is ALL I was trying to do... And you come and make a pointless comment about it being buggy... Seriously, that IS NOT contributing.
    Doesn't look like crysis, but it looks good.
    You guys, look at it this way. It's an MMO, this WILL be the best looking MMO, maybe not the best looking game, but best looking MMO.
    That's pretty good graphics for a mumumvwa
  • wrinkle eye cream
  • Pandoras Directive - I want to see this ...

    This past weekend I loaded up the DOS adventure game Pandora's Directive. While it sure shows it's age in technology the plot and puzzles they put together are unforgiveable. I still get chills thinking about Barry Corbin showing up.Anyone else play through this game? it would be so awesome on a nextgen console or even the wii. The other one they should do is The Beast Within. Pandoras Directive - I want to see this ...
    I don't think I've heard of Pandora's Directive, but isn't the ''Beast Within'' a Phantasmagoria title? It's been so long...Pandoras Directive - I want to see this ...
    I thought Beast Within was Gabriel Knight...Never played Pandora's Directive. Sounds pretty cool. Remember that old PC developer named ACCESS or something like that?
    Pandora's directive was access... 7 different endings. Beast Within was Gabriel Knight. All of the Gabriel Knight games were pretty darn good but The Beat Within was just spot on. Either would probably do very well on a next gen console simply because they are immersive and have great plots plus most gamers under 30 have never played them and those of us over 30 would get them just because they were so awesome.
    Oh, I was wrong. ''The Beast Within'' was based on Phantasmagoria's engine, but was unrelated otherwise.It got good reviews.
    want to see it on the xbox 720 and ps4? ohh u mean current gen, i was mistaken when u said next gen.
    I remember the Access games always looked amazing but I think I only played one of them. I was too young to understand a lot of what was going on. It would be cool if they came out with some kind of collection or started porting them. They were system hog back in the day if memory serves.

    Left 4 Dead is X360 console exclusive, P ... to think GDC has just barely started.Left 4 Dead is X360 console exclusive, P ...
    wow - this is pretty big news :) can't wait - personally i'll be going PC, but still. good to hear.Left 4 Dead is X360 console exclusive, P ...
    I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.
    i dont get it, was the pc thing supposed to be an insult
    Left 4 Dead is starting to look like one hell of a game. It's sad it won't be on PS3. I;d like everyone to be able to experience this one, but oh well. I'll be getting it for PC.
    lol@ get out ur pcs
    [QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE], not really. :?
    Left 4 Dead looks cool, but i seriously doubt that any PS3 fan would get angry over this.
    Wow ''just another shooter'' one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. L4D is a shooter created by the people who created COUNTERSTRIKE the most popular online shooter ever.
    [QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE]this isnt like any other shooter, and its made by Valve, which guarentees it to be good (the PC version at least)
    It looks cool but I think it feels out of place on a console. I think it's all those CS:S mods I've played...
    LOL, ''console exclusive.''What kind of joke are you trying to make? Hyping a game you dont need a 360 to play?
    Thats nice indeed.. but

    ''This is the first time that the press has been able to see the Xbox 360 version, which still has some ways to go to match the PC.''
    [QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE]pfft, ok then - just like the 787 is just another plane eh. i can speak in banal generalities without meaning anything too.
    Is that news?I thought this to be confirmed for a looooong time.
    [QUOTE=''cobrax25''] [QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE] this isnt like any other shooter, and its made by Valve, which guarentees it to be good (the PC version at least)[/QUOTE]yea valve for some reason does not like the ps3....i guess thats what happens when you make only great games for the PC... and for some to say the 360 version will be just as good may be true....but it wont have constant updates like the PC version will have.....and its good to know its based on the source engine (like all valve games today) so my computer wont have a hard time running it....i mean any computer with a 128 MB video card should be able to run this game fine
    [QUOTE=''Verge_6''][QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE], not really. :?[/QUOTE] Well for me at least it's pretty derivative. I'm not really a big FPS fan. I found COD4 sort of dull.
    ''The other big news from this article is that a third game company named Certain Affinity (in addition to Valve and Turtle Rock Studios) is also handling the Xbox 360 version.''I'm confused. :? Who is making what? Is Valve developing anything or just publishing? Anyway, it looks and sounds cool, one of the few shooters this year I'm interested in, and IF Valve is developing it, then it should deliver.
    I have a 360 and PS3 and I could care less for this game
    [QUOTE=''espoac'']I don't think cows are really envious of that game. It's just another shooter.[/QUOTE]yeah just another shooter. like MGS, haze, killzone2,...

    GDC 08 - Two New Too Human Gameplay Vide ...

    Video 1Video 2Looking good!Animations need a bit of a touch up IMO. GDC 08 - Two New Too Human Gameplay Vide ...
    It looks like a really stiff version of DMC or Ninja Gaiden. :|

    I'm not impressed.
    GDC 08 - Two New Too Human Gameplay Vide ...
    Looks good, but it looks a bit too hack-n-slash. Plus the graphics aren't as amazing as they were 6 months ago
    [QUOTE=''kaos-hero'']It looks like a really stiff version of DMC or Ninja Gaiden. :|

    I'm not impressed.
    [/QUOTE]It's an RPG. Your not expecting ninja gaiden gameplay out of FFXIII are you?
    [QUOTE=''JLF1''][QUOTE=''kaos-hero'']It looks like a really stiff version of DMC or Ninja Gaiden. :|

    I'm not impressed.
    [/QUOTE]It's an RPG. Your not expecting ninja gaiden gameplay out of FFXIII are you?[/QUOTE]

    Oh, my bad. I don't know anything about this game, I thought it was an action game from the video. Sorry.

    [QUOTE=''munu9'']Looks good, but it looks a bit too hack-n-slash. Plus the graphics aren't as amazing as they were 6 months ago[/QUOTE] Huh? It must be the video quality (I haven't seen the videos yet), because 6 months ago Too Human looked like it could be done on the PS2.

    [QUOTE=''kaos-hero'']It looks like a really stiff version of DMC or Ninja Gaiden. :|

    I'm not impressed.
    [/QUOTE]It's an online RPG.. what do you expect?That's like saying WoW and Diablo sucks because the fighting controls suck
    [QUOTE=''munu9'']Looks good, but it looks a bit too hack-n-slash. Plus the graphics aren't as amazing as they were 6 months ago[/QUOTE] Its a low res video so its not the best video to use to judge the graphics. [QUOTE=''JLF1''] [QUOTE=''kaos-hero'']It looks like a really stiff version of DMC or Ninja Gaiden. :|

    I'm not impressed.
    [/QUOTE]It's an RPG. Your not expecting ninja gaiden gameplay out of FFXIII are you?[/QUOTE] It's an Action/RPG hybrid. Most people described it as Devil May Cry meets Diablo.
    everything looks slow
    I really want this game to be good.
    Looks great. The music in this game is fantastic.
    Looks like poo, sorry. I really can't see why people are hyping it much; hopefully the story will be good seeing as it's a smi RPG.
    It looks like Project H.A.M.M.E.R., and should've got the axe just like that did. I was hyped about this game once upon a time, but the more gameplay I see the less interested I become. I hope SK can prove me wrong.

    Havok gets update. Cloth Physics and De ..., the premier provider of interactive software and services to digital creators in the games and movie industries, today unveiled Havok Cloth and Havok Destruction at the 2008 Game Developers Conference (ES162, West Hall). Available for the first time in mid-2008, these two products provide artists with dramatically increased control over interactive cloth and destructible objects within games.

    Built on Havok's award-winning modular suite of run-time technology and artists tools, Havok Cloth and Havok Destruction will feature out-of-the-box integration with Havok Physics and Havok Animation, dramatically accelerating the development of cross platform, cutting edge electronic entertainment across all leading game platforms.

    ''With the release of Havok Cloth and Havok Destruction, the company adds both depth and breadth to our market-dominating suite of physics tools,'' said David O'Meara, Managing Director of Havok. ''Innovative and easy to utilize, Havok Cloth and Destruction are powerful, flexible tools giving art teams more control in the design process, resulting in a more realistic interactive experience for gamers.''

    David Coghlan, Vice President of Development for Havok said ''Havok Cloth and Havok Destruction will further increase the standard of realism and immersion in games. Havok Cloth enables scalable clothing that will significantly enhance the visual impact of on-screen characters. Havok Destruction will drive high-adrenaline action scenes with unprecedented levels of physics mayhem.''

    Havok Cloth is a new performance-optimized development tool designed to minimize the time that game artists spend on animating the behavior of character garments and environmental cloth. It enables increased realism for cutting-edge games, is easily customizable and fits into today's workflow without burdening artists, animators or programmers.

    Havok Cloth features:

    Highly realistic physically-based simulation of cloth and character clothing with low CPU and memory overhead

    Multithreaded and platform-optimized (including PlayStation 3)

    Artist-driven control of the full range of cloth behavioral properties such as stretching, damping and bending

    Artist-friendly, modeller-based, cloth setup tools

    Havok Destruction is the cross-platform tool for simulation of rigid body destruction. Destruction gives the game artist total control over the simulation, drastically reducing the production time and cost of creating large numbers of realistic destructible game objects. Havok Destruction can create a completely new game play experience by giving additional realism to structural mechanics, graphical effects and game level design.

    Havok Destruction features:

    Dynamic fracture of game objects including: shattering, fracture and deformation.

    Software Development Kit that is fully multithreaded, optimized for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and makes optimal use of Havok Physics.

    About Havok

    Havok, an Intel company, was founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1998, and is the premier provider of interactive software and services for digital media creators in the games and movie industries. With world leading expertise in physics, animation and tools, Havok's business is to turn our customers' creative aspirations into technical realities. Havok's modular suite of tools gives power to the creator, making sure that our clients can reach new standards of realism and interactivity, while mitigating the overall cost and risks associated with creating today's leading video games and movies.

    Havok works in partnership with the world's best known game developers - including Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft and Pandemic Studios. Havok's cross-platform, professionally supported technology is available for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, GameCube, and the PC. Havok's combination of superior technology and dedication to delivering for our customers every time has led to our technology being used in more than 150 of the world's best known game titles, including BioShock, Halo 3, MotorStorm, Stranglehold, Crackdown, Age of Empires III and Cars

    Havok products have been used to drive special effects in movies such as Poseidon, The Matrix, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

    Havok has offices in Dublin, San Francisco, San Antonio, Calcutta, Munich, and TokyoHavok gets update. Cloth Physics and De ...
    ooo multi-threaded! quad cores get some work to do, crysis doesn't even push quad-cores that much, in each update it gets easier to run....heck its the gpu's that should come like quad cores/...i know ati has their new 3870 with 2 core clocks....they should have 4! :D mkae crysus run like butter...i know its not thats simple, but would help...heck, this tech valve keeps making gets better and better and runs so well on systems.Havok gets update. Cloth Physics and De ...
    halo 3? really cool, i thought bungie said they used all preparatory engines! those liers!!1
    I can't wait to see this in action. Should be fantastic.
    [QUOTE=''LibertySaint'']ooo multi-threaded! quad cores get some work to do, crysis doesn't even push quad-cores that much, in each update it gets easier to run....heck its the gpu's that should come like quad cores/...i know ati has their new 3870 with 2 core clocks....they should have 4! :D mkae crysus run like butter...i know its not thats simple, but would help...heck, this tech valve keeps making gets better and better and runs so well on systems.[/QUOTE]Valve doesn't make it. Valve DOES help them improve it but Valve doesn't actually make it. Maybe HL2: Episode 3 will have destructible environments and cloth physics... That would be bad-***.
    [QUOTE=''LibertySaint'']halo 3? really cool, i thought bungie said they used all preparatory engines! those liers!!1[/QUOTE]I did too then I saw the logo. Go havok I have loved u since Painkiller
    Destructable objects are ok. BUT CLOTH? seriously who cares if you get to see clothing animate realistically? That does nothing to enhance gameplay..
    [QUOTE=''Silenthps'']Destructable objects are ok. BUT CLOTH? seriously who cares if you get to see clothing animate realistically? That does nothing to enhance gameplay.. [/QUOTE]it isn't important but it does add to the realism. Plus it is makes characters look more natural. Makes it seem like their ''Clothing'' isn't just a texture put on top of their character model.
    [QUOTE=''horrowhip''][QUOTE=''LibertySaint'']ooo multi-threaded! quad cores get some work to do, crysis doesn't even push quad-cores that much, in each update it gets easier to run....heck its the gpu's that should come like quad cores/...i know ati has their new 3870 with 2 core clocks....they should have 4! :D mkae crysus run like butter...i know its not thats simple, but would help...heck, this tech valve keeps making gets better and better and runs so well on systems.[/QUOTE]Valve doesn't make it. Valve DOES help them improve it but Valve doesn't actually make it. Maybe HL2: Episode 3 will have destructible environments and cloth physics... That would be bad-***.[/QUOTE]make what, the hardware? i know, yeah i know half life 2: episode 3 will be one hell of a fiasco to play with destriction! episode 2 had some building destuction but not object.

    [QUOTE=''LibertySaint''][QUOTE=''horrowhip''] [QUOTE=''LibertySaint'']ooo multi-threaded! quad cores get some work to do, crysis doesn't even push quad-cores that much, in each update it gets easier to run....heck its the gpu's that should come like quad cores/...i know ati has their new 3870 with 2 core clocks....they should have 4! :D mkae crysus run like butter...i know its not thats simple, but would help...heck, this tech valve keeps making gets better and better and runs so well on systems.[/QUOTE]Valve doesn't make it. Valve DOES help them improve it but Valve doesn't actually make it. Maybe HL2: Episode 3 will have destructible environments and cloth physics... That would be bad-***.[/QUOTE]make what, the hardware? i know, yeah i know half life 2: episode 3 will be one hell of a fiasco to play with destriction! episode 2 had some building destuction but not object.
    [/QUOTE]the building destruction was scripted though. As for the Valve comment see what I bolded... That is what I was refering to. Havok is its own company. Valve doesn't make it, they just use it an improve it.
    [QUOTE=''Silenthps'']Destructable objects are ok. BUT CLOTH? seriously who cares if you get to see clothing animate realistically? That does nothing to enhance gameplay.. [/QUOTE] The cloth by Nariko's foot and hair is jaw dropping and makes it look so much better.
    [QUOTE=''horrowhip'']the building destruction was scripted though. As for the Valve comment see what I bolded... That is what I was refering to. Havok is its own company. Valve doesn't make it, they just use it an improve it.[/QUOTE]Didn't Intel buy out Havok? Not that it really matters.
    [QUOTE=''agentfred''][QUOTE=''horrowhip''] the building destruction was scripted though. As for the Valve comment see what I bolded... That is what I was refering to. Havok is its own company. Valve doesn't make it, they just use it an improve it.[/QUOTE]Didn't Intel buy out Havok? Not that it really matters. [/QUOTE]yes. And nVidia bought Ageia.... And since Intel and nVidia work closely together physics could start getting insanely good.
    Havoc does great with PS3, here is info on Havoc 4.5.Game developers using Havok Physics and Havok Animation products to develop for PS3 will be able to harness the full power of all the SPUs, while maintaining the complete flexibility of the Havok SDK. Havok architecture now scales strongly across all SPUs and runs between 5 and 10 times faster than Havok 4.0 for a typical game scene on the PS3.
    [QUOTE=''killzowned24''] Havoc does great with PS3, here is info on Havoc 4.5.Game developers using Havok Physics and Havok Animation products to develop for PS3 will be able to harness the full power of all the SPUs, while maintaining the complete flexibility of the Havok SDK. Havok architecture now scales strongly across all SPUs and runs between 5 and 10 times faster than Havok 4.0 for a typical game scene on the PS3.[/QUOTE]they are up to Havok 5.5 now.
    [QUOTE=''horrowhip''][QUOTE=''killzowned24''] Havoc does great with PS3, here is info on Havoc 4.5.Game developers using Havok Physics and Havok Animation products to develop for PS3 will be able to harness the full power of all the SPUs, while maintaining the complete flexibility of the Havok SDK. Havok architecture now scales strongly across all SPUs and runs between 5 and 10 times faster than Havok 4.0 for a typical game scene on the PS3.[/QUOTE]they are up to Havok 5.5 now.[/QUOTE] Which is awesome!!
    [QUOTE=''horrowhip''][QUOTE=''agentfred''][QUOTE=''horrowhip''] the building destruction was scripted though. As for the Valve comment see what I bolded... That is what I was refering to. Havok is its own company. Valve doesn't make it, they just use it an improve it.[/QUOTE]Didn't Intel buy out Havok? Not that it really matters. [/QUOTE]yes. And nVidia bought Ageia.... And since Intel and nVidia work closely together physics could start getting insanely good. [/QUOTE]Or perhaps Havok and Ageia will continue their old competition. Either way, yes, physics seems to be looking up in the future. Hopefully we can move away from scripted events now.
    [QUOTE=''killzowned24'']Havoc does great with PS3, here is info on Havoc 4.5.Game developers using Havok Physics and Havok Animation products to develop for PS3 will be able to harness the full power of all the SPUs, while maintaining the complete flexibility of the Havok SDK. Havok architecture now scales strongly across all SPUs and runs between 5 and 10 times faster than Havok 4.0 for a typical game scene on the PS3.[/QUOTE] and this means to gamers what? more rocks flying around on the ps3? oh well, what do little details like that matter when they aren't used or noticed, this new havom 5.0 will be tho..

    Oblivion GOTY PC or XBOX?

    Now, I had the original for the 360 but it eventually stopped working, but now that there's all three expansions I'll give it another go. But the thing is, for the PC or XBOX? I mean, with the PC I get mods, slightly better graphics, etc. But on the 360 I get my massive TV, and pretty great controls. I don't know!Oblivion GOTY PC or XBOX?
    The mods are what make Oblivion a trualy exceptional game, they will actually fix all the problems that oblivion had and just make the game so much better.You can always hook up your PC to a TV and play with a gamepad if you really want to.Oblivion GOTY PC or XBOX?
    PC all the way, that isn't even a fair question, unless you have a really outdated machine.
    Mods made this game from incredible weird to just plain incredible.You can use your 360 controller on your PC.You can hook your PC up to your TV...And have mods ...360 has little to no advantages, it never does.
    This game sucks.BUT, if you are going to purchase it, WHY would you buy it for a console if you have a PC that can run it? Mods + controls + better you even realize how many mods there are for Oblivion out there? There's easily dozens of hours of quality quest mods to extend gameplay, mods to make combat more challenging and intense, mods to code in mercenaries and companions, if there is ONE thing Oblivion is good for: it's mods.Do NOT buy the console version....seriously.
    Playstation fans want you to get it for the PC. One less sale for Xbox. LOL. So funny yet so sad and pathetic.
    [QUOTE=''bphan'']Playstation fans want you to get it for the PC. One less sale for Xbox. LOL. So funny yet so sad and pathetic.[/QUOTE]What?? That doesn't even make sense.
    If you don't have a high-end PC, you should o for the 360 version. Otherwise, get it on PC.
    Even without the high end pc just go with the PC version once you can play it at respectable graphics + framerate.. mods make the game sooo much better.
    [QUOTE=''bphan'']Playstation fans want you to get it for the PC. One less sale for Xbox. LOL. So funny yet so sad and pathetic.[/QUOTE] You made an account to say that?
    It's a fact and it's the truth. PC Oblivion is better than the console versions. There's better graphics, no glitches (cause of mods and patches), game mods, etc.if pc_age > 2:
    ...print ''Do not get PC version.''
    ...print ''Get PC version.''
    PC, I regreat buying the 360 version, never play it anymore, if I would have gotten it on PC I'd be playing it right now.
    If you have a PC that can run it maxed out, I don't see why you wouldn't buy that version. You could probably fix the flaws that were in the game with mods too.
    [QUOTE=''bphan'']Playstation fans want you to get it for the PC. One less sale for Xbox. LOL. So funny yet so sad and pathetic.[/QUOTE]? that didn't make sinceThere is a mod that allows u to have lots of chest hair I think the chocie is simple
    PC. Absolutely PC. You cannot get your character to look like this:

    or customized to that extent on 360 (or PS3).

    The Xbox360 version was the GOTY since it played it better at the time when the game launched. But of course stronger PC hardware is available now so if you want mods, I guess you'll pay up for it.
    Some very valid points, guess I'll go with the PC. (Plus the picture kinda sealed the deal) My PC is pretty good and I checked and I saw that I mostly exceed the reccommended requirements so running it won't be a problem. I'll probably just figure out a way to hook it up to my TV. Any recommended mods? I've browsed around on and I've looked at OOO, but I haven't found any specific descriptions. What does it actually do?
    I would say PC version since the fact of mods are great in the Elder Scroll series, but the initial game itself is a crying shame and being the best on one out of the other doesn't matter.
    [QUOTE=''jierda599'']Some very valid points, guess I'll go with the PC. (Plus the picture kinda sealed the deal) My PC is pretty good and I checked and I saw that I mostly exceed the reccommended requirements so running it won't be a problem. I'll probably just figure out a way to hook it up to my TV. Any recommended mods? I've browsed around on and I've looked at OOO, but I haven't found any specific descriptions. What does it actually do?[/QUOTE]

    OOO, Francesco's, or Martigen's Monster Mod are HUGE mods and I recommend only one at a time to reduce conflict/hardware stress. OOO improves various aspects of Oblivion, you'll need a full listing of all the changes since I don't remember them all. Francesco's is similar, and it also gets rid of the leveling system in vanilla Oblivion. MMM adds tons of monsters, items, and more.

    Some recommended mods?

    Check out:

    Check out the top mods list and just browse for ones that suit your playing stile/character. There are literally hundreds.

    GTA IV hands on, new facts

    enjoy: [url][/url]The journalists of the PSM magazine have played GTA IV during 4 hours for 7 missions. Here there impressions, the mag officialy comes out on february 25th.

    - The first hands-on minutes of the game are enough to understand how the game is gonna kick ass.
    - The city have a lot of streets of any genre.
    - You cannot enter in all the buildings, but you can interact with most of them.
    - No property gestion, neither gang gestion nor trade gestion.
    - Instead of that, we'll have bowling, dart games, drinking spree in pub, strip-club and night club.
    - The core of GTA IV is all about the human relationship.
    - Sometimes, your contacts may call you during hard mission to ask you a service, you choose between the mission or your contact.
    - If you do sh*t with your contact, you may assume the consequences.
    - The impression of a breathing city is, again, absolutely stunning.
    - The density of the population (peds) change between the place/borough you are.
    - If you walk around the street with a gun in your hand, peds who have a cellphone can call the police.
    - While we tried to high-jack a car, the scared bastard go so fast that he hit 2 cars.
    - During the first mission, we tried to high jack a car without gun, then the driver beat up niko, who finished at the hospital.
    - Peds react in a very realistic way, like they lead their own life.
    - We played seven missions during four hours, the devs tell us that it's a very very small portion of the game.
    - 15 minutes necessary to go through 2/3 of manhattan with a boat, and 10 minutes by car to do brooklyn/central park.
    - The cars can be destroyed very realisticly, every parts can fold, it's stunning !
    - More variety of missions, and hard.
    - The game is done, clipping has gone, and the game is super smooth.
    - Forget about every other gta-like that tried to compete GTA IV, that game kick ass.GTA IV hands on, new facts
    I said it once, and I'll say it again.......GRAND THEFT AUTO IS BETTER THAN ANY FRANCHISE IN THE HISTORY OF GAMING.GTA IV hands on, new facts
    ''- 15 minutes necessary to go through 2/3 of manhattan with a boat, and 10 minutes by car to do brooklyn/central park.''its HUGE!!
    ''-If you walk around with a gun in your hand, peds who have a cell-phone can call the police.''That is awesome
    Pre-order time!
    [QUOTE=''kirk4ever''] ''- 15 minutes necessary to go through 2/3 of manhattan with a boat, and 10 minutes by car to do brooklyn/central park.''its HUGE!![/QUOTE] I thought they said it was only going to be the about the size of Vice City. That's surprisingly big.
    The realistic feel seems really cool, but I hope it doesnt take away from how super fun previous GTA games have been.
    i wonder how the developers of saints row feel knowing that their game will be trounced in every way imaginable.R* North are some of the most real mothers in game development
    [QUOTE=''EVOLV3'']The realistic feel seems really cool, but I hope it doesnt take away from how super fun previous GTA games have been.[/QUOTE] I know what you mean. Infiltrating that Navy ship and stealing the Hydra was TOO fun.
    [QUOTE=''Always-Honest''] - If you do **** with your contact, you may assume the consequences.
    [/QUOTE]Why should Niko be penalized for taking a dump? everyone has to go to the bathroom every now and then.
    That was taken from the PSM3 magazine. I wonder if they played the PS3 version of the game.
    am kinda bummed about the ''No property gestion, neither gang gestion nor trade gestion'' if the next game does not have it i might not buy it i mean seriously i don't wanna live in a cheap apartment through out the whole game
    pretty cool.
    [QUOTE=''-Patriots'']am kinda bummed about the ''No property gestion, neither gang gestion nor trade gestion'' if the next game does not have it i might not buy it i mean seriously i don't wanna live in a cheap apartment through out the whole game[/QUOTE]cause you spend so much time there......
    Isn't this only going to be released for 360?
    i just dont like the main character....I want to be able to customize (like Saints Row) I dont like this Russian (i know hes not Russian but w/e) guy...I like either the italian Mafia thing, or the black gangsta thing...Some weird looking Russian guy wandering around Time Square committing crimes just doesnt seem normal to me...
    wii owners.
    [QUOTE=''earthmonkeyyy'']Isn't this only going to be released for 360?[/QUOTE] No, it will be on both the 360 and PS3, and most likely PC in the future. The 360 version will have exclusive content though.
    [QUOTE=''earthmonkeyyy'']Isn't this only going to be released for 360?[/QUOTE]Anybody need a SIG?
    Boy, that was a pain to read, but after translating it, I couldn't be more hyped for GTA IV! This games sounds excellent in every single way.
  • wrinkle eye cream
  • Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures updat ... development for close to five years now and finally releasing May 20 on PC, Funcom's Age of Conan is looking much better now than it has at past events. At GDC 2008 in San Francisco, they showed off an extended demo of starting out, high-level dungeon crawling, mounted combat, city building, and siege warfare.

    As you probably know if you've followed our coverage, you start the game as a slave with no sense of identity. After washing up on the beaches of an island known as Tortage, you enter a section of gameplay that you can choose to play solo or skip past. Tortage, a forested island populated with winding paths, tall trees and ferns, stone ruins, and a massive volcano represents the first 20 levels of the game. Your main quest line, called destiny quests, is supposed to be dynamic, says Funcom, meaning you'll have a degree of choice as to how you proceed through to the level 80 cap. For instance, before heading out from Tortage, you'll apparently get the option to climb up and trigger the island's volcano to erupt, burning the village to the ground.

    Before all that you'll be required, as you usually are in MMOGs, to customize your character's appearance. Funcom wants players to be able to recognize each others' faces as easily as their names, and have provided numerous sliders for facial modifications to allow for different appearances. We're not sure how effective this tool is for creating distinct appearances as we haven't had any extensive experience with it, but there certainly are a lot of sliders.During a fly-through of the forest, we noticed the framerate is much, much smoother than we'd seen in the past. This is certainly promising, as framerates in this particular section at past events ranged from irritating to more or less unplayable. But what kind of system will you need to run it? According to the game's director, the recommended specs are a 7900 GTX, 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo, and 2 GB RAM. According to Funcom, a three or four year old high end PC will be happy. The game's director also added about Age of Conan's performance, ''It's a greedy plant. If you want to spend $3,000 on a PC, Conan will be happy.''

    In the game you'll find 12 clas ses, a few of which were shown off in a dungeon below Kheshatta, an end-game desert area. In the party was a demonologist magic user, who's most distinct feature along with a generally evil appearance is a succubus slave clad only in underwear. A melee focused conqueror, stealthy assassin, and a priest were also present. The conqueror wore heavy leather, a spiked metal helmet and wielded a heavy mace. The rest are draped with elaborate robes with an impressive amount of detail embroidered on the fabric. Each can be customized by dumping points into a feat tree, which Funcom described as being similar to WoW's talent tree. For each cla ss different feat arrangements will allow for varying types of weapon attacks and damage types.

    Moving through the dungeon, the party encountered lizard-like giants called scaleskin brutes, including an even more massive boss version. At this point Funcom showed off its dynamic shielding system, which works with the weapon swing hotkeys in an attempt to create a more engaging battle system. At higher levels you get five options for attack, which are bound to Q, 1, 2, 3, and E keys. Each key corresponds to a directional swing of your weapon, which if pressed in proper combinations can inflict more damage and trigger gory finishing moves.

    In addition, when fighting an enemy you'll notice thin silver scale-looking icons pop up on your selected monster. These will appear on a particular side of the monster, indicating they have extra shielding in that area. The more scales on a side, the more shielding there is. Your job, at least as a tank, is to try and maneuver yourself around a monster so your powerful attacks can hit the unshielded side, since the shielding shifts depending on your position relative to the monster. Or, instead of moving around behind or to a different side of the monster, you could try using attacks that swing from another direction. As a player, you have your own shielding and can adjust it's orientation around your avatar as you see fit. While this may not be all that useful for PvE gamplay, Funcom says it's instrumental for successful PvP play since dynamically altering your shielding based on opponents' attacks can have dramatic effects on the damage you take. It reminded us a little bit of adjustable shielding systems in space combat games like Freespace 2.Aside from those features, the combat seems pretty standard. In high level dungeons, like in many other MMOGs, your party huddles around powerful creatures and hammers away with attacks for a span of minutes until the thing falls over. There are a few more distinctive elements, however. In battle characters actually collide with each other, letting characters block for others and giving an advantage to those with long range weapons who can hide behind a front line of party members. Sneaking, something all clas ses can do, will let you pass through others, all small creatures and pets have collision turned off, and it's off in social zones as well.

    Healing and weapon damage are dealt with a little differently as well. Instead of being limited to a single target, weapon slashes target an area, with larger and more powerful weapons having a greater area of effect. The same goes for healing. Priests shouldn't resign themselves to hiding in the shadows behind a battle, as some heals like the high-level cone heal are area of effect, requiring the healers to run around and get the best vantage point to unload their magic on the optimal number of targets. Funcom suggested the tactic of calling out to teammates to line up so their health can be replenished simultaneously.Moving beyond the dungeons, we were shown a brief demo of mounted combat, which differs depending on what animal you're seated on. Special animations are built in as you climb aboard, such as the epic mammoth mount bending down to accommodate you. There's also an epic rhino mount, which according to Funcom was put in because they liked the movie 300 so much. While riding you can still use your left attack, right attack and such on the quickbar, and the horse mounts can kick backwards and forwards. Momentum plays a role in attacking as well, as the faster you run on your mount, the more damage you'll do. The damage calculation is also based on weapon type and skill as well. Every mount has a different kind of handling, meaning something like the mammoth will require more room for acceleration and a larger turning radius. Funcom states it's similar to how the cars' handling in the Grand Theft Auto franchise differs.

    In PvE you can use these mounts to break outdoor camps and access new areas. In PvP there's more to it because movement and speed come into play. Mammoth and rhinos can even be used to attack walls and buildings while assaulting cities.

    The demo then shifted concentration to northern Sumeria, and area of open plain upon which players can build their own cities. Initially they're used as crafting cities and you need a guild of about 30 to 40 to set them up. Resource nodes are littered around on the map and you click on them to check requirements of wood, stone, and the like. Once gathered the structures can be build up, represented visually with large scaffolding structures emerging from the ground, and the main structure rising slowly behind like in an RTS. Initially you'll need a keep, the city's central structure, but can add inner and outer walls in addition to unique crafting stations which make available special items to your guild. to let you build your city.

    If you're a member of one of the eight or nine best guilds on the server, your city is entered into PvP eligibility, which means others can attack, break apart structures, and if they manage to smash your keep, can take over. After a keep is destroyed, there should be enough resources lying around so the conquerors can at least build a keep of their own, so they don't have to wander around scouring for resources to merely claim ownership. For defending, the city's owners have the ability to parade along the spines of the inner and outer walls. Funcom has built in a system to give those higher up a distinct range advantage as opposed to those trying to attack from below, which seems to mean the attacking guild will need to bring along some serious siege equipment.

    All in all we're still looking forward to this one. It sounds as though Funcom has implemented some interesting ideas, and we're especially relieved to see the previous framerate issues have been addressed. We'll of course have more in the months leading up to release.Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures updat ...
    GOTY?Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures updat ...
    so far the beta's have rocked, so i can't wait! :D under the user agreement i can't reveal anything so... :( but yeah its great so far and runs soooo smooth on my brothers comp!
    [QUOTE=''Rigga911'']GOTY?[/QUOTE] yeah, its gonna be big...i just wanna know how it will work on 360 with only 512 mb of ram!

    [QUOTE=''LibertySaint''][QUOTE=''Rigga911'']GOTY?[/QUOTE] yeah, its gonna be big...i just wanna know how it will work on 360 with only 512 mb of ram!
    [/QUOTE]Looks interesting, I hope its ok.But it is a tank/healer/dps type of MMO right? We really need something new for MMO's. WoW nailed that archetype about as well as it can be done IMO. No matter how good it is if it still uses that archetype it is not goty material.I also hope it has a lot of solo content. I want to try it on the 360 because I here you can tell it was made with a control pad in mind and it would be nice to play an MMO from the comfort of my couch with just a pad, as long as the gameplay is fun. But if there is not enouph solo content and I am forced to find a group on XBL every time I want to play, well... forget that.
    [QUOTE=''Coyo7e''][QUOTE=''LibertySaint''][QUOTE=''Rigga911'']GOTY?[/QUOTE] yeah, its gonna be big...i just wanna know how it will work on 360 with only 512 mb of ram!
    [/QUOTE]Looks interesting, I hope its ok.But it is a tank/healer/dps type of MMO right? We really need something new for MMO's. WoW nailed that archetype about as well as it can be done IMO. No matter how good it is if it still uses that archetype it is not goty material.I also hope it has a lot of solo content. I want to try it on the 360 because I here you can tell it was made with a control pad in mind and it would be nice to play an MMO from the comfort of my couch with just a pad, as long as the gameplay is fun. But if there is not enouph solo content and I am forced to find a group on XBL every time I want to play, well... forget that.[/QUOTE] its not all like wow, thank god, yeah it is a system with healer/tank/dps, but solo is so easy and fun, imo its a types of controls that split the ****s up. each ****has diffrent abilties meaning diffrent combos and way to attack.On the 360 its rumored to have cross-platfrom servers soo....

    GDC 08: Mova brings lifelike motion capt ...

    linkWow, that's photorealistic. BTW consolites, its running on two 8800gtx sli.GDC 08: Mova brings lifelike motion capt ...
    The last one kinda looks like what the Heavy from TF2 with would look like with realistic graphics, needs a more square jaw though.GDC 08: Mova brings lifelike motion capt ...
    Oh those look nice.
    That looks amazing..Why again can I only run Crysis on Medium then(which looks like crap) with my 8800 GeForce gtx?
    [QUOTE=''FantasySports02'']That looks amazing..Why again can I only run Crysis on Medium then(which looks like crap) with my 8800 GeForce gtx?[/QUOTE]FAkeboy alert.
    [QUOTE=''slickchris7777''] linkWow, that's photorealistic. BTW consolites, its running on two 8800gtx sli.[/QUOTE]That's nice, but if that's what it takes, I'll just wait for the next gen consoles.
    [QUOTE=''jangojay''][QUOTE=''FantasySports02'']That looks amazing..Why again can I only run Crysis on Medium then(which looks like crap) with my 8800 GeForce gtx?[/QUOTE]FAkeboy alert.[/QUOTE]How am I a fakeboy? I built my computer around a month ago. 2 GB Ram, duo core processor , GeForce 8800 gtx card..Can only run Crysis on Medium with like 30 FPS.. It doesn't look any better than a good looking 360 game..
    wow they look at the video. ''i like your mother, she's got a nice... big... smile''
    [QUOTE=''JayPee89''][QUOTE=''slickchris7777''] linkWow, that's photorealistic. BTW consolites, its running on two 8800gtx sli.[/QUOTE]That's nice, but if that's what it takes, I'll just wait for the next gen consoles.[/QUOTE] I too am not made of money.
    [QUOTE=''FantasySports02''][QUOTE=''jangojay''][QUOTE=''FantasySports02''] That looks amazing..Why again can I only run Crysis on Medium then(which looks like crap) with my 8800 GeForce gtx? [/QUOTE] FAkeboy alert.[/QUOTE]How am I a fakeboy? I built my computer around a month ago. 2 GB Ram, duo core processor , GeForce 8800 gtx card..Can only run Crysis on Medium with like 30 FPS.. It doesn't look any better than a good looking 360 game..[/QUOTE] If you're only able to run Crysis on medium something is wrong. Sounds like there may be a bottleneck in your system.
    I felt a little uncanny valley on that. creepy.
    Disembodied heads with Russian accents area lways full of win.
    That LOOKS awesome, but it takes $1k worth of video cards for a talking head?
    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    [QUOTE=''FantasySports02''] [QUOTE=''MyopicCanadian'']That LOOKS awesome, but it takes $1k worth of video cards for a talking head?[/QUOTE] Oh, I misread the 2 part.. 2 8800s would cost around 500 bucks though[/QUOTE] :lol: Link me to an 8800 GTX for $250 and I will buy it right away...
    Hahah Gears of War 2!!
    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    [QUOTE=''Mercenary343'']Hahah Gears of War 2!! [/QUOTE]Did you just make this?
    [QUOTE=''MyopicCanadian''][QUOTE=''FantasySports02''] [QUOTE=''MyopicCanadian'']That LOOKS awesome, but it takes $1k worth of video cards for a talking head?[/QUOTE]Oh, I misread the 2 part.. 2 8800s would cost around 500 bucks though[/QUOTE] :lol: Link me to an 8800 GTX for $250 and I will buy it right away...[/QUOTE]An 8800gtx is $350

    if x box did not have halo would it have ...

    If you reember way bach when x-box first came out it did not do too ell until halo came along. If x box did not have halo would it have failed and would there be a 360 nowif x box did not have halo would it have ...
    Well, considering that Halo 2 was practically the only game people played on xbox live for the original xbox... Probably. A huge portion of those players bought the 360 knowing that Halo 3 would come out for it eventually. I don't know, it seems like such a broad statement though.But hey, it's out and selling well. Can't change the past so why bother asking ''what if's''if x box did not have halo would it have ...
    Well MS would probably have kept at it while losing tons of money. Didn't MS they would lose money for as long as it took to become established in the console market?
    Well, after I asked my sister to help me understand what you wrote, I think it would have survived even without Halo, but there's no telling.
    Without Halo the original Xbox would probably have failed.
    Halo was the game that brought attention to the original Xbox. I doubt it would have survived without it.
    Not at all. Halo was THE game behind the success of the Xbox. Without it, I doubt it would have had as much support as it did.
    [QUOTE=''TheEndBoss'']Halo was the game that brought attention to the original Xbox. I doubt it would have survived without it.[/QUOTE]WTF. We just basically wrote the same thing. :P
    [QUOTE=''NWA_31''] [QUOTE=''TheEndBoss'']Halo was the game that brought attention to the original Xbox. I doubt it would have survived without it.[/QUOTE]WTF. We just basically wrote the same thing. :P[/QUOTE]But I was ahead by a minute. :P
    There's no way to deny this at all. The 360, however, is a different story.
    Halo was instrumental in saving the first Xbox. Im glad it did was a great console
    [QUOTE=''leviathan91'']There's no way to deny this at all. The 360, however, is a different story. [/QUOTE]WEll if the orginal x box failed the 360 would be quite different now. Third party developers probley will be afraid to come to the 360. Also i know MS has a lot of money but if the first x ox failed they would probley would of gave up and focused on pc again
    IF Halo 1 never was released on the XBOX 1, the XBOX would have been DOA not too long after launch.
    [QUOTE=''EmperorZeruel'']If you reember way bach when x-box first came out it did not do too ell until halo came along. If x box did not have halo would it have failed and would there be a 360 now[/QUOTE]Yes. In fact, I hear MS actually didn't sell a single console until Halo's release date.IT WAS A LAUNCH TITLE. Anyway, what does it matter what would have happened if Halo didn't exist? Halo does exist. It's sold a crapload of copies. Arguing about how things would be different if it didn't exist is pointless wanking, without the big payoff at the end.
    microsoft put a lot of resources into the halo series. If halo never existed, those resources would have went into some other franchise. No one knows how it would have turned out. Probably worse
    [QUOTE=''EmperorZeruel'']If you reember way bach when x-box first came out it did not do too ell until halo came along. If x box did not have halo would it have failed and would there be a 360 now[/QUOTE]:lol: I agree, the Xbox was unknown until Halo came along.
    [QUOTE=''EmperorZeruel''] [QUOTE=''leviathan91'']There's no way to deny this at all. The 360, however, is a different story. [/QUOTE]WEll if the orginal x box failed the 360 would be quite different now. Third party developers probley will be afraid to come to the 360. Also i know MS has a lot of money but if the first x ox failed they would probley would of gave up and focused on pc again[/QUOTE]True. The original Xbox didn't have that much games that ''defined'' the Xbox other than Halo. Of course, there were a few good titles like Star Wars: Republic Commando and Far Cry: Instincts and Evolution but Halo is more significant. Without it, the Xbox would be like a human with a hand-held stereo, while surronded by a bunch of zombies. If Halo didn't exist and no title ''defined'' the Xbox and despite all that, MS still released the 360 in 2005, third-party devs would probably be worried and the 360 would later become non-existent or overcome by the PS3 or Wii. Then again, consider the games such as Dead Rising and Gears of War, then maybe the 360 would still be dominant but not as much. Halo is the big reason why anyone would buy a Xbox and even a 360. Big difference is that the Xbox was entirely dependent on Halo where as the 360 had a boat-load of titles that made the 360 a quality system with a huge title coming out.
    Just judging off of these last couple of years, I still think it would've suceeded, but Halo of course helps. The 360 still has a good line-up. Also, they would have people working 24/7 trying to rush out the next Gears if it wasn't for Halo's sucess.