Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey Sheep..why dont you ever complain to ...

please no just saying why dont you complain and DEMAND a new IP? i have sent emails to nintendo but they wont listen to one person...all of the sheep must put pressure on them so they think of making a change....i mean are you happy forever with maro and zelda? i love them too but nintendo has potention for new ip's... am i wrong lemms and cows? aint this the truth?Hey Sheep..why dont you ever complain to ...
[QUOTE=''kirk4ever'']please no just saying why dont you complain and DEMAND a new IP? i have sent emails to nintendo but they wont listen to one person...all of the sheep must put pressure on them so they think of making a change....i mean are you happy forever with maro and zelda? i love them too but nintendo has potention for new ip's... am i wrong lemms and cows? aint this the truth?[/QUOTE]disaster doc wii series , pikmin, ??? plus aslong as smash bros. Mario pokemon and others are good y complain? good old Ips > bad new IpsHey Sheep..why dont you ever complain to ...
complain about what theres nothing to complain about other than its friend codes and its online system
[QUOTE=''Masterfubu''][QUOTE=''kirk4ever'']please no just saying why dont you complain and DEMAND a new IP? i have sent emails to nintendo but they wont listen to one person...all of the sheep must put pressure on them so they think of making a change....i mean are you happy forever with maro and zelda? i love them too but nintendo has potention for new ip's... am i wrong lemms and cows? aint this the truth?[/QUOTE]disaster doc wii series , pikmin, ??? plus aslong as smash bros. Mario pokemon and others are good y complain? good old Ips > bad new Ips[/QUOTE]true but also nintendo has LOTS of $$ they wont loose anything if they take a risk for developing a new ip and dev for the wii isnt that expensive
nintendo makes new IPs all the time. Disaster: DoC is coming this year for one, and the wii series of games counts, although currently wiisports is the only decent title.Plus its looking like retro will work on something new. Maybe Raven Blade
You might not have noticed, but Nintendo has created a good number of new franchises lately. Plus, they probably want to release all the big games before working on something new, which is a smart move.
Japanese companies/developers/publishers listining to the english communitys? LOL WAFFLS ROFL PMLOL ect ect.After all these years Nintendo still takes a dump on the EU community, nothing has changed, they dont give a crap.
[QUOTE=''NWA_31'']You might not have noticed, but Nintendo has created a good number of new franchises lately. Plus, they probably want to release all the big games before working on something new, which is a smart move.[/QUOTE]mario-ssbb-zelda-pokemon.have been released what is left?
[QUOTE=''kirk4ever'']mario-ssbb-zelda-pokemon.have been released what is left?[/QUOTE]Mario Kart, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, Donkey Kong and Kirby, just to name a few.

[QUOTE=''NWA_31''][QUOTE=''kirk4ever''] mario-ssbb-zelda-pokemon.have been released what is left?[/QUOTE]Mario Kart, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, Donkey Kong and Kirby, just to name a few.[/QUOTE]+ F-Zero :) its one of fav racers and one of the hardest too beat
I love how lemmings and cows think everything they have is soooo original.And most of Nintendo's franchises won't be ''rehashes'' anymore.SMG isn't a ''rehash.''Miyamoto said the next Zelda would be extremely different.
every generation ninty releases new Ips on there handhelds and home consoles... perhaps you did not get the memo. some bomb and others like pikmin and advance wars, do very well.
because you are the only one that cares?
Animal Crossing is coming later this year, as well as Disaster which totally new. Kid Icarus and Pikmin 3 will be coming soon.. I'm very confident in saying one of them will be announced at E3 or leading up to it, Nintendo have that secret project to announce still.
Nintendo's makin' everything I want. It's the third parties that need to pull their finger out.
Theres nothing to complain about on Nintendos front. The only complaint i have is stupid third party games that have no effort going towards them.
They're sheep dangit, sheep are not to question the shepard. Else the big bad wolf will gobble them up. :P
we sheep gonna follow the great nintendo!
Yes they need more. I was once a sheep having owned the SNES, N64 and Gamecube. I'm not feeling the Wii at all. I will miss games like Metriod Prime but I see no improvements in visuals over the GCs 1st installment of recreating that franchise. I must say I still get that fuzzy feeling inside thinking about Metriod Prime. That was one of my favorite games. To bad Corruption looks like it could have been done on the GC. I was very disappointed in Nintendos decision to take a step back from the competition as far as graphics and physics go.

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