I will just buy a PC.cows if you could have one xbox 360 excl ...
well, unfortunately, i am coughing up $ for a ps3 for FF13. I really wishd that it would go to 360:(By the way, Lost Odysey is amazing, and people are taking the lag and loading WAY 2 FAR
Thats a good question. I think Halo 3 for the fordge engine and the cool replay system. But other than that, I dont know. The games I really wanted to play are multiplat anyways.
Ninja gaiden but I'm not a cow and my PS3 is coming in 2 days :S
I'm not a Cow, but I do plan on picking a PS3 later, so I will answer, anyway:Banjo Kazooie 3. Just knowing that most of the original Banjo Kazooie team is working on is a safe sign that this game will be freaking amazing. It's a shame that I may never experience it. I mean, it REALLY sucks... But I'm not buying a 360 because of the RROD.
Probably Lost Odyssey, everything else looks the same. Halo, Mass Effect, Gears, Too Human: Futuristic sci fi alien junk
AC6 or Naruto:RON
id have to say ninja gaiden 2. i loved ninja gaiden sigma.
mass effect and the one game that had the halo 3 beta bundled in it.
id have to say Halo3
Ninja Gaiden 2
Probably Alan Wake or Ninja Gaiden 2
I've got a PS3 and 360. But if my 360 suffered RROExtinction then I'll have to say Gears of War.
[QUOTE=''TOTAL_DEFENSE_0'']Ninja Gaiden 2[/QUOTE]As a 360 owner, I want, errgghhhh. Nothing actually. GT5, MGSIV, FFXIII, God of War 3, Resistance 2, Killzone 2. No thank you. Actually!! I want SOCOM!!!!!!! :D
Dead Rising was the only exclusive worth a damn. Otherwise I can get most of them on PS3 or PC. Everything else isn't worth having a defective system that constantly breaks.
NG2, easily...I want to know more about Banjo threeie though
i'd get lost odyssey
Anybody who answer anything besides Ninja Gaiden 2 shouldn't be considered a cow. Hell that person should be ashamed of him, or her self for such blasphemy!
Well... it's GTAIV DLC/Too Human/Fable 2. In order from what I would want.
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