Wednesday, April 14, 2010

If the 360 had built-in HD DVD...

Could that have saved the format? Microsoft took a different approach than Sony by making HD DVD an option, but if the 360 had a built-in HD DVD drive, we could be talking about the death of Blu-ray right now. Of course, it could've hurt 360 sales since they would have to up the price about $100+ and they would have to either delay the system a few months or make a new SKU.But think about it, the 360 has a userbase of almost 20 million... which could've meant potentially 20 million HD DVD users. The PS3 is only about half that. HD DVD could've won the format war if Microsoft decided to support it more.Despite all that, I don't think Blu-ray or HD DVD would make an impact on console sales until next-gen, anyway.If the 360 had built-in HD DVD...
let it go, its over now.If the 360 had built-in HD DVD...
I would not have bought one.
[QUOTE=''doobie1975''] let it go, its over now.[/QUOTE] Yeah, yeah I know it's over... I have no interest in either formats myself, but MS could've saved HD DVD, but decided to only partially support it.
[QUOTE=''doobie1975'']let it go, its over now.[/QUOTE]exactly.. if, if, if... if flacid was stiff...
It has seemed though that MS never fully intended on supporting HD-DVD but only did so to slow down a clear winner in a format ''war'' so that MS could put out digital distribution and have it catch on over xbl. I would much prefer DD than BR or HD, to be honest.
if MS didnt kill the orgiinal xbox off so quick and released the 360 when wii and ps3 probably woulda had an HDDVD drive...not to say that woulda made any difference though because if they all launched at the same time 360 would probably be in dead last
[QUOTE=''obsolete2k1'']It has seemed though that MS never fully intended on supporting HD-DVD but only did so to slow down a clear winner in a format ''war'' so that MS could put out digital distribution and have it catch on over xbl. I would much prefer DD than BR or HD, to be honest.[/QUOTE]20GB isnt enough for DD. and the price of the 120GB HD is ludicrous.
I'm sure HD DVD would have ''survived'' a little longer, but I still think BD would have won eventually.
It probably would have made a difference, considering the PS3 has pretty much carried the Blue Ray sells for the most part. Overall im glad the format war is over. That is until downloadable HD movies are the norm...
I don't know, but I never gave a damn about that silly format war. Whoever the victor was, it didn't matter. DVD was going to overshadow it for years to come. And if MS had put an HDDVD drive in it, I wonder how many people would have been put off from buying one at such a high price. I would have been one of them, that's for sure.
If the 360 would have been launched with the HD-DVD drive then it would have lost its early headstart and more than likely wouldn't have half of its userbase.
If HD-DVD was in the 360, then I wouldn't have bought one. I am not interested in HD movies, nor am I interested in inflated price tags for things I won't use.
I liked the HDDVD format MUCH better than Bluray cause it just worked better overall. Yes I do believe that if MS had included the HDDVD drive in the 360 then HDDVD would have won the format war. Actually the format war would have been over a long time ago in this case. Bluray does have a few extra advantages over HDDVD, but those advantages did NOT translate into a better movie watching experience. Infact most HDDVD movies I have seen look better than Bluray movies. Good thing is now that there is no longer a guessing game. I am glad it is all over so I can finally go buy a HD player. Bluray here I come.
[QUOTE=''Uptown''] [QUOTE=''obsolete2k1'']It has seemed though that MS never fully intended on supporting HD-DVD but only did so to slow down a clear winner in a format ''war'' so that MS could put out digital distribution and have it catch on over xbl. I would much prefer DD than BR or HD, to be honest.[/QUOTE]20GB isnt enough for DD. and the price of the 120GB HD is ludicrous.[/QUOTE]I agree, but it is enough for DD rentals which get deleted after a week. DD, like Blu-ray have been introduced this gen but won't be fully utilized until next gen or very late into this one. Just look at how little room games take on BR discs and how slow the drive is. This gen was one of transition, imo.
[QUOTE=''NWA_31'']I'm sure HD DVD would have ''survived'' a little longer, but I still think BD would have won eventually.[/QUOTE]The big kicker hadn't been the PS3's move to build it in (though it's noted as an influence). It was the fact that more movies were available on BluRay (Sony--which includes Columbia, TriStar, MGM, and UA--was permanently exclusive. Fox joined in, and so did Disney--which includes Touchstone. Meanwhile, Warner was hedging so had BluRay titles as well. That left Universal and Paramount. And of the blockbuster titles that came out in 2006-2007, most came from BluRay-aligned studios.).
I think if Toshiba had their own movie studio it would have survived longer. Sony won because it bought up the most studios, nothing more. Being a respected member of the film industry, probably didn't hurt sway the decision of their original exclusives.Going on to the future though and completely off topic does anyone else think that the name HD-DVD is just a better choice then Blu-Ray? 10 years from now are we still going to be asking our friends to pick up a few Blu-Rays and a pizza before they come over? It just sounds too Buck Rodgers to me.
if the 360 had HD-DVD i probably wouldnt buy it because of the increase in price tag (probably 150 euro a increase)
It would have been nice but it would not have made a difference for me, i still would have bought it eather way.
the war is over now, but if ms had put it into the system there could have been a different outcome.

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