Apple had a console, it flopped, badly.Next company to enter the games consoles ...
Apple Console? What was that?
apple i hope. i think they are capable of doing something new, like nintendo. if they get any 3rd party support that is.
Unless they are a giant company with tons of money(ie not Sega :P) I doubt anyone would try.
No one I hope. That's the last thing we need.
[QUOTE=''EddieTheGreat'']Apple Console? What was that?[/QUOTE]
Apple may make a deal with one of the three companies
With the cost of video games these days, another company entering the market isn't very likely. And even if some company comes up with the cash, it may run into some trouble with available games, considering the development time on some of the launch games for the 360 and PS3 (assuming that another console isn't going to be a rip of the Wii.) For those of you saying Sega, I'd rather they joined forces with Nintendo; I think they'd mesh well together.
Apple will probly make like some super tiny 4000$ hand held with 3 games.
i hope Wal-Mart makes there one will rule
Either Apple or EA. However, if anyone was going to come out of nowhere and surprise us, I'd say either Wizards of the Coast, or Panasonic.
[QUOTE=''EddieTheGreat'']Apple Console? What was that?[/QUOTE]the apple pippen worse selling consile of all time
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It's called Electronic Arts......for newer gamers just EA :)
[QUOTE=''killabondy'']the jews...[/QUOTE]Already in.....they are called Microsoft!
Sega Dreamcast 2plz?
No one. There isn't a market for a 4th console and there isn't anyone in a position to make a marketable console. Hell the Playstation brand wouldn't even exist without Nintendo's help.
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