Sunday, April 11, 2010

ps3 vs 360. (lets hope that this is the ...

lets get real people, just for a sec. the 360's sales are rivaling the wii's while the ps3 is dragging its feet in a distant third place. sony fanboys refuse to admit to the fact that sony made a mistake. everyone's entitled to their choices, but the over all speculation... the ps3 isnt the best choice, not by a long shot.the 360 as we all know, was out for a year before the other two entered the race. this means a larger library, and a cheaper price. when the ps3 followed, it barely had and exclusives, there was WarHawk, Resistance, and Motorstorm. the rest of the titles are either, not worth mentioning, or were already available on the 360, running at a better frame rate, and at times, better visuals. that's strike one for those who bought ps3 on launch. inevitably more exlcusives came out for the ps3 such as heavenly sword (didnt like it) Uncharted, and Ratchet, along with other third party titles, again... on the 360. looking at those games compaired to 360's halo 3, Bioshock, Mass effect, Forza, etc... isnt really any comparison at all. just like '06, between the two, MS owned '07. that's strike two for those who bought a ps3 in '07.its now the beginning of the year '08, and sony promises to take the cake this year. hmm, MGS4, GT5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Socom? ok. i like it. 360's '08 line up consist of too human, ninja gaiden 2(dont care for it but i know others do), left 4 dead, infinite undiscovery, splinter cell, fable 2, huxley, and others... i like that one better. for those who say that 360 has a crappy '08 lineup, do some homework, cause 360 has a rock solid line up for this year. that's strike three for those who bought a ps3 this year. yes ps3 has blue-ray, but that has nothing to do with games. the cell proccessor and the blue-ray discs haven't offered anything that's leaps and bound over what the 360 has to offer. and i cant help but poke fun at this one. free online for the ps3 compared to $53.49 a year(new jersey's tax) or what ever it costs in ur state. let me say that again, A YEAR. that's roughly under $5 u can put away a month, for a better online service, and you cant afford that? strike fournow im not saying that the 360's perfect, nor am i a fanboy. i love nintendo more than anything. there is the RROD issue, though MS hasn't done a bad job servicing those who suffered from it. with sony sloooowwly gaining monentum, '09 could finally be their year with huge titles such as FF XIII, god of war 3, and kingdom hearts 3 (or when ever that comes out). plus there are sure to be price drops in the upcomming years. but im talking about the present. over all the ps3 just doesnt offer enough for there to be a good reason to make an investment. and it sure as hell doesnt offer anything to those that already have a 360. so if ur on the fence, hear's something that'll knock u on the 360's side. wait out a year or so, then look at the ps3 ps3 vs 360. (lets hope that this is the ...
360 sells dont touch wiips3 vs 360. (lets hope that this is the ...
[QUOTE=''deadmeat59'']360 sells dont touch wii[/QUOTE]haha ok ok. i give
[QUOTE=''mrjam0''] [QUOTE=''deadmeat59'']360 sells dont touch wii[/QUOTE]haha ok ok. i give[/QUOTE]he is right actually
Here, we were all hoping that the last on was the last one. Way to go, you dashed our hopes.
well the PS3 08 line-up is a bit inflated, i mean i seriously thought that FF 13 and Resistance fall of men 2 or God of war 3 will be launched this year, yet i see lists of the PS3 08 with these games
[QUOTE=''mrjam0''] lets get real people, just for a sec. the 360's sales are rivaling the wii's while the ps3 is dragging its feet in a distant third place. sony fanboys refuse to admit to the fact that sony made a mistake. everyone's entitled to their choices, but the over all speculation... the ps3 isnt the best choice, not by a long shot.the 360 as we all know, was out for a year before the other two entered the race. this means a larger library, and a cheaper price. when the ps3 followed, it barely had and exclusives, there was WarHawk, Resistance, and Motorstorm. the rest of the titles are either, not worth mentioning, or were already available on the 360, running at a better frame rate, and at times, better visuals. that's strike one for those who bought ps3 on launch. inevitably more exlcusives came out for the ps3 such as heavenly sword (didnt like it) Uncharted, and Ratchet, along with other third party titles, again... on the 360. looking at those games compaired to 360's halo 3, Bioshock, Mass effect, Forza, etc... isnt really any comparison at all. just like '06, between the two, MS owned '07. that's strike two for those who bought a ps3 in '07.its now the beginning of the year '08, and sony promises to take the cake this year. hmm, MGS4, GT5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Socom? ok. i like it. 360's '08 line up consist of too human, ninja gaiden 2(dont care for it but i know others do), left 4 dead, infinite undiscovery, splinter cell, fable 2, huxley, and others... i like that one better. for those who say that 360 has a crappy '08 lineup, do some homework, cause 360 has a rock solid line up for this year. that's strike three for those who bought a ps3 this year. yes ps3 has blue-ray, but that has nothing to do with games. the cell proccessor and the blue-ray discs haven't offered anything that's leaps and bound over what the 360 has to offer. and i cant help but poke fun at this one. free online for the ps3 compared to $53.49 (new jersey's tax) or what ever it costs in ur state. let me say that again, A YEAR. that's roughly under $5 u can put away a month, for a better online service, and you cant afford that? strike fournow im not saying that the 360's perfect, nor am i a fanboy. i love nintendo more than anything. there is the RROD issue, though MS hasn't done a bad job servicing those who suffered from it. with sony sloooowwly gaining monentum, '09 could finally be their year with huge titles such as FF XIII, god of war 3, and kingdom hearts 3 (or when ever that comes out). plus there are sure to be price drops in the upcomming years. but im talking about the present. over all the ps3 just doesnt offer enough for there to be a good reason to make an investment. and it sure as hell doesnt offer anything to those that already have a 360. so if ur on the fence, hear's something that'll knock u on the 360's side. wait out a year or so, then look at the ps3 [/QUOTE] If you like the 360 lineup better then the PS3s line up thats fine your entitled to your opinion but their is a reason that people think its gonna be Sony's year on 08. Looking at the PS3s line up of exclusive, it has solid well known and good franchises coming out. Its not just SW poster but gaming sites and magazines claiming 08 is gonna be Sony's year as well when they look at the lineup.Then you also have to factor in the fact that this year gets to benefit from the 399 model PS3. The PS3s sales have rose since the introduction of this model while the sales of the 360 have decreased by 18% since the launch of the PS3/Wii. And on top of that you have SCEE claiming that by this summer they will have outsold the entire European install base of the 360. Looks like a good year to me.
[QUOTE=''Javy03''] If you like the 360 lineup better then the PS3s line up thats fine your entitled to your opinion but their is a reason that people think its gonna be Sony's year on 08. Looking at the PS3s line up of exclusive, it has solid well known and good franchises coming out. Its not just SW poster but gaming sites and magazines claiming 08 is gonna be Sony's year as well when they look at the lineup.Then you also have to factor in the fact that this year gets to benefit from the 399 model PS3. The PS3s sales have rose since the introduction of this model while the sales of the 360 have decreased by 18% since the launch of the PS3/Wii. And on top of that you have SCEE claiming that by this summer they will have outsold the entire European install base of the 360. Looks like a good year to me.[/QUOTE]only MGS 4 is a well known good franchise thats comming in 08. killzone is known as a medicore and LBP looks good but isnt well your sig BTW very funny :D
isent kingdom hearts 3 going to be on the wii exclusive?
[QUOTE=''stika'']well the PS3 08 line-up is a bit inflated, i mean i seriously thought that FF 13 and Resistance fall of men 2 or God of war 3 will be launched this year, yet i see lists of the PS3 08 with these games[/QUOTE] FFXIII may have a good chance of releasing in Japan, probably not NA but I think Resistance 2 has a great chance of hitting this fall. We stated getting info on this game in January. Not to mention this dev company has been able to pump out Resistance at launch and a year later Rachet and Clank. They work well and fast. Resistance 2 will be easier to make because they dont have to build from the ground up again, but tweek, polish and improve their current resistance models.
i kinda hoped the one before this one was the last one. didn't read it.
[QUOTE=''reza''][QUOTE=''Javy03''] If you like the 360 lineup better then the PS3s line up thats fine your entitled to your opinion but their is a reason that people think its gonna be Sony's year on 08. Looking at the PS3s line up of exclusive, it has solid well known and good franchises coming out. Its not just SW poster but gaming sites and magazines claiming 08 is gonna be Sony's year as well when they look at the lineup.Then you also have to factor in the fact that this year gets to benefit from the 399 model PS3. The PS3s sales have rose since the introduction of this model while the sales of the 360 have decreased by 18% since the launch of the PS3/Wii. And on top of that you have SCEE claiming that by this summer they will have outsold the entire European install base of the 360. Looks like a good year to me.[/QUOTE]only MGS 4 is a well known good franchise thats comming in 08. killzone is known as a medicore and LBP looks good but isnt well your sig BTW very funny :D[/QUOTE] GT prologue, Killzone 2 has gotten alot of publicity and I am sure is around as well known as ME or GEOW was before it launched. I agree the quality of the first one was lacking but then again with games like 50 cent bullet proof selling well and NG black selling poorly I dont think game scores play to much a role in purchases. Most of the games you listed on the 360 side are new IPs that have yet to prove themselves.
you say that the ps3 is the worst choice. But owning all three systems I found that for me the ps3 was the best choice. It has the exclusives that I want, the games I want, free online, built in wifi, psp connectivity and much more.I also still believe that the ps3 has the stronger lineup by far. Half of the 360'sd exclusives are new, such as too human. But most of sonys exclusives this year come from series that have always done well (GT and MGS4, also KZ looking at the psp versdions success, plus FF) There is more to be excited for on the ps3. The 360 is good though. But I am not really excited about anything coming out this year for it. I think that this ight be the ps3's year. MS has not had a great start this year, with the faliure of HD DVD, and the ongoing problem of RROD.
[QUOTE=''JetB1ackNewYear'']isent kingdom hearts 3 going to be on the wii exclusive?[/QUOTE] LOL no, you beleived that rumor, the cover on Nintendo power turned out to be a different RPG.
[QUOTE=''stika'']well the PS3 08 line-up is a bit inflated, i mean i seriously thought that FF 13 and Resistance fall of men 2 or God of war 3 will be launched this year, yet i see lists of the PS3 08 with these games[/QUOTE] Resistence 2 could come in 08.
Okay, the PS3 outsold the 360 in terms of worldwide sales in 2007 and it also did so in january 2008, when it even outsold it in its stronghold the US. Welcome back to reality.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''stika'']well the PS3 08 line-up is a bit inflated, i mean i seriously thought that FF 13 and Resistance fall of men 2 or God of war 3 will be launched this year, yet i see lists of the PS3 08 with these games[/QUOTE]i forgot about resistance. but i highly doubt that ff 13 will come out this year
[QUOTE=''Javy03''][QUOTE=''mrjam0''] lets get real people, just for a sec. the 360's sales are rivaling the wii's while the ps3 is dragging its feet in a distant third place. sony fanboys refuse to admit to the fact that sony made a mistake. everyone's entitled to their choices, but the over all speculation... the ps3 isnt the best choice, not by a long shot.the 360 as we all know, was out for a year before the other two entered the race. this means a larger library, and a cheaper price. when the ps3 followed, it barely had and exclusives, there was WarHawk, Resistance, and Motorstorm. the rest of the titles are either, not worth mentioning, or were already available on the 360, running at a better frame rate, and at times, better visuals. that's strike one for those who bought ps3 on launch. inevitably more exlcusives came out for the ps3 such as heavenly sword (didnt like it) Uncharted, and Ratchet, along with other third party titles, again... on the 360. looking at those games compaired to 360's halo 3, Bioshock, Mass effect, Forza, etc... isnt really any comparison at all. just like '06, between the two, MS owned '07. that's strike two for those who bought a ps3 in '07.its now the beginning of the year '08, and sony promises to take the cake this year. hmm, MGS4, GT5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Socom? ok. i like it. 360's '08 line up consist of too human, ninja gaiden 2(dont care for it but i know others do), left 4 dead, infinite undiscovery, splinter cell, fable 2, huxley, and others... i like that one better. for those who say that 360 has a crappy '08 lineup, do some homework, cause 360 has a rock solid line up for this year. that's strike three for those who bought a ps3 this year. yes ps3 has blue-ray, but that has nothing to do with games. the cell proccessor and the blue-ray discs haven't offered anything that's leaps and bound over what the 360 has to offer. and i cant help but poke fun at this one. free online for the ps3 compared to $53.49 (new jersey's tax) or what ever it costs in ur state. let me say that again, A YEAR. that's roughly under $5 u can put away a month, for a better online service, and you cant afford that? strike fournow im not saying that the 360's perfect, nor am i a fanboy. i love nintendo more than anything. there is the RROD issue, though MS hasn't done a bad job servicing those who suffered from it. with sony sloooowwly gaining monentum, '09 could finally be their year with huge titles such as FF XIII, god of war 3, and kingdom hearts 3 (or when ever that comes out). plus there are sure to be price drops in the upcomming years. but im talking about the present. over all the ps3 just doesnt offer enough for there to be a good reason to make an investment. and it sure as hell doesnt offer anything to those that already have a 360. so if ur on the fence, hear's something that'll knock u on the 360's side. wait out a year or so, then look at the ps3 [/QUOTE] If you like the 360 lineup better then the PS3s line up thats fine your entitled to your opinion but their is a reason that people think its gonna be Sony's year on 08. Looking at the PS3s line up of exclusive, it has solid well known and good franchises coming out. Its not just SW poster but gaming sites and magazines claiming 08 is gonna be Sony's year as well when they look at the lineup.Then you also have to factor in the fact that this year gets to benefit from the 399 model PS3. The PS3s sales have rose since the introduction of this model while the sales of the 360 have decreased by 18% since the launch of the PS3/Wii. And on top of that you have SCEE claiming that by this summer they will have outsold the entire European install base of the 360. Looks like a good year to me.[/QUOTE]the playstation 3 399 model ony sold because people were only looking for the price drop, and no one had one as of late 06 into early 07. plus it was the holiday season. if u look at the rate of sales now, everthing has slowed down
[QUOTE=''NielsNL'']Okay, the PS3 outsold the 360 in terms of worldwide sales in 2007 and it also did so in january 2008, when it even outsold it in its stronghold the US. Welcome back to reality. [/QUOTE]ok. now welcome back to my thread. im talking about what the ps3 has to offer, not the sales

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